Meet the "Old Woman"

Jul 2, 2000
Seems, to me anyway, that there is nothing like a big honking blade in your hand to make your blood stir, your muscles swell and unfortunately, your common sense fly. Your are at once; the master of your fate, the lord of all you can see, just don’t mess with the lady of the house.
No, this is not a tale of blood letting (at least not to date) but one of how a blade reveals it name and puts me in the doghouse.
It starts out: Once upon a time (or as we used to say in the Marines: Now this is no sh%t)
I was innocently admiring my new horn handled 18.5” AK by Bura. It is one of Uncle’s specials that he aptly described as “You can't find a better khukuri.” Now my girlfriend is pretty much inured to me having a knife out and about in the house. (To tell the truth, she’s is supportive of the knife habit and has a small collection of her own.) So there I was in her kitchen, lord of all... already said that, when she mentions:
“Hey you with the white moustache and big pig sticker out of my way!”
Big pig sticker? OK, I can let that slide, but white moustache! No way, it’s just really light blond (yeah right). Now here’s where common sense flew out the window. Looking down at the white streaked bone handle of the khuk in my hand, I casually retort: “Why this knife is a lot like you dear.” “ Just how is that?” she asks.
NOW DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME: “Well Sweetie, it has streaks of white too.” (Not a smart thing to say to a 35 year old woman with beautiful black hair). Bread dough isn’t quite a deadly projectile but it did force a hasty retreat on my part. After the flour had settled, we had a good laugh and dinner out.
The Bura AK will always be thought of as the “Old Woman” from now on, but that’s a thought I’ll keep to my self.

You can see more pics and a quick review of my Old Woman here
Obviously those words could only be said while holding an 18.5" AK.;)

Nice story, nice khuk.

Nice name Greg.It fits her well.
Justright, Thanks, I think it fits her too.

Wow, you are a LOT braver than I am.
Aardvark, thanks, she is a beautiful khuk to my mind, but braver isn't the word that comes to my mind.

Great slide show and many thanks.
No, thank you Uncle Bill for a great deal and an exceptional khuk.

Obviously those words could only be said while holding an 18.5" AK.
Steve, you made me laugh out loud at zero-dark-thirty, good thing I wasn't drinking any coffee.

Thanks to all.