Meeting Cantista's

Apr 23, 2003
Just had a wonderful visit with JimmyJones from Colorado. Nothing like chatting over 2 full tables of steel:D Meeting you guys in person is always such a delight. Amazing how we come from everywhere and when we get together the commonalities produce wonderful fellowship and comraderie. Of course I always learn that I know absolutely nothing about knives...........must be one of those mental blocks.........I read and forget:rolleyes:It's a guy thing to sharpen and polish........:rolleyes: but that's OK.........I know where to come for advice:thumbup:

Definitely time to plan another Khuk Knut Khonvention...........definitely time;)
I've met a small handfull of you guys in person. It was a great experience. I can't wait for Blade Show this year, and hope to meet more of you.
Hm, any hope of a southeast or Florida Khon in 2007? Like to finally make it to one.

You know Hollow...I *might* be able to be talked into doing another one.

Different place...but I still have your chopping support in the yard and plenty of tent space as well as a fire circle for the after event.
Meeting Cantinistas is always a hoot. Most recently I got to meet Novadak in person up in Portland, which was an absolute blast.
You know Hollow...I *might* be able to be talked into doing another one.

Different place...but I still have your chopping support in the yard and plenty of tent space as well as a fire circle for the after event.

Pending schedule of course but I am always more than happy to provide wood :D
You know...Mrs. Hollowdweller reads this sometimes. Sure you want that left here? ;)
:D Thanks, I needed that.

There is a test for educational achievement called the "Woodcock Johnson". One day this girl that works next to me remarks "Who the hell would think to name a test the "Woodcock Johnson" ":eek:

We got a lot of laughs out of it after that as we'd read reports that said "The Woodcock Johnson was administered";)

One day I was talking to my friend who was a teacher and he said they get a big laugh out of the name too:rolleyes:
Definitely time to plan another Khuk Knut Khonvention...........definitely time;)

A khonvention in Reno would be great, the mecca of khonventions you could say. Of course, a khonvention anywhere would be great for that matter. :D

ya'll should slide it towards the east coast ;) it's a bit of a drive
