MercWorx Lachesis Opinions?

AR fan

Oct 28, 2006
I'm looking for a high quality folder and this seems to fit the bill. Does anyone out there have any experience with MercWorx folders?
i dont care for the proportions if the scales to blade. at least on the ones i have seen. they look a bit odd to me, so never investigated further.

they appear to be of good quality.
I had one and gave it away, I hated it so much. Fit and finish were terrible and it was dull as a butter knife. The blade was also off center. For the money you would pay for this knife you could get a great custom, you could get a Hinderer XM-18, or a Mike Obenauf, or a Chris Reeve,not a custom but well built. Any of these would be a better choice for the money. I just had such a horrible experience with this knife I would never recommend it.