Recommendation? Metal for handle material

Aug 17, 2020
Where do you guys like to get your thin metal like steel, brass, copper, etc. for knife handles to be used as liners or spacers? I imagine the thickness you guys use is about the same for liners? So the most common are .030 and .060, are these available to find anywhere in the described materials?
Look for “shim stock” at your local metals place or sites like McMaster-Carr.
so far i've got thin brass and silver stock from jewellery suppliers. thin brass stock is also used by modellers (railroad ect). i mostly use 1mm and 0.5mm (uh, 0.025 and 0.012 inch?)
You would be surprised how many hardware stores and RC/train model shops carry a good assortment of tubing, rod, and sheet stock in brass, aluminum, nickel, copper, stainless, and even piano wire (hard carbon steel). For some reason, hardware stores usually put them in the aisle with the hinges and brackets.