Metal type and choice of fixed blade. Which one would be the one to last me many year


SPAM I am, Banned I am, Green eggs and ham.
Nov 5, 1999
Hello guys I am wanting to purchase a fixed blade knife to keep for many years. I would like to have some input on metal type and model. I am considering the: Ka-bar Ka1461 in spear point in D2 steel, Gerber Yarinin 154cm steel, Camillus cmbk2 in high carbon steel, Knife of alaska -cub bear in D2 steel. Does anyone have one of these knives that they might want to tell me their opinion of and which metal would be the best for every day use ? Thanks for your help guys . Jay
What do you want to use the knife for?

Any good steel will serve you well. Figure out what you want to use the knife for and, then get the knife with the best edge geometery and overall build for that use ;)

The Yari and Ka-Bar are not what I would consider to be similar knives. Yari and Camillus CQB sure but, the Ka-Bar blade is too different. The CQB in ATS-34 is a good choice as well and, my personal pick of those three for feel in the hand.
If you are referring to the Ka-Bar Impact in D-2, I highly recommend you handle one before laying down the duckies for it. The reason is the handle is somewhat different than the average knife handle. I tried it and like it but it did take a bit of getting used to. Turns out it is a very good knife in my experience.
I also have a Yari and it is worth the money. It has a kind of rectangular feel to the handle but works well nonetheless and is not uncomfortable. I don't have the Knives of Alaska cub and have only brief experience with the Camillus so I cannot comment on them.

All the best,
Mike U.
Watch out! I bought one of Knife OF Alaska's small cub bears a few
years ago, and I thought it was D2. It wasn't D2, it was AUS 6. It
wasn't even close to D2. I thought the performance was poor.
Banditele, if your looking for an amazing steel, look at Busse. They cost more, but will be around a lot longer than you ;) . The warranty covers the knife not the owner, so if your grandchild breaks it, Busse will replace it (if they are still around :eek: ).
If the Busse is too much $ then I would go Swamp Rat or Dozier .