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Mexican knife laws

Aug 1, 1999
Does anyone have information on the knife laws in Mexico? I know many US citizens have been jailed for carrying firearms and ammo across the border, but what about knives?
I posted a very similar topic a couple of weeks ago, but got only one reply. My main question was regarding blade length. The gentleman that responded said not to carry anything over 2 inches. I am still very interested to know how many people actually have been harrassed or arrested for carrying a larger knife. I had a friend that was just in Cozumel a week ago and had no problems with his AFCK. He is not the best at hiding it either, so I'm sure it was pretty noticable most of the time.

I was in cancun and bought a POS 24 inch iron fist (makes a great bottle opener.) I had it in my back pack and on my belt and was no harrased
It would depend on where in mexico you are going.If you are going to Tiajuana or Encinada,don't take much of a knife,Maybe a good 'ol stockman or something like that.Don't take an expensive knife because it could be taken away by some authorities very easily.Several years ago I was entering a night club in Tiajuana and the door gaurd searched my pockets and found my Kershaw Rotary lock with a 2in blade that I had since 1982 or so .He kept it and would not give back.He would not even take a bribe because I'm sure he liked it too much!!I did'nt say much more because the fear of going to jail was growing.I left without my knife and I learned not to take a knife to Tiajuana.If you go to a place like La Paz then I would'nt worry too much.They seem to be pretty cool down there.
scott w
I have no idea what the actual knife laws are in Mexico, but when I go to places like Mexico, I worry less about the law than I do about venal law enforcement personnel. In other words, regardless of what the law actually stipulates, you run the risk of having any knife confiscated by any official who takes a fancy to it. Or, if the knife has little intrinsic value, perhaps the cop will use it as a pretext to hassle you for a bribe.

Most tourists don't know much about what's legal and what's illegal in foreign countries. If a cop says your knife is illegal, what are you going to do? Call a lawyer? Go to a library and look it up? How good is your Spanish? How much of your vacation time do you want to spend settling a dispute? For most tourists, the hassle or fear of unknown legal consequences, not to mention the language barrier, puts them at a real disadvantage when arguing with policemen, customs officials, etc., so my advice is to plan on surrendering the knife if it comes to the attention of a cop.

The next time I go to Mexico, I plan to take nothing I can't afford to lose--probably an Endura. I will keep this knife out of sight except in cases of dire need. I'll also have a spare in my luggage in case I have to give away the one I'm carrying. I will also have something smaller and innocent looking, such as a Swiss Army knife, to actually use in front of people.

David Rock

AKTI Member # A000846
"Never carry a knife shorter than your schnoz."