Micro serrations

Dec 10, 2009
What are your thoughts on micro serrations? I personally like a micro serrated blade much better than a smooth edge, no matter how sharp it may be. Yes - I know that if you looked at the edge with a microscope that it would look like a saw. And yes - I know the teeth break off - resulting in it needing to be sharpened more often.
Here's why: when I use a course stone (and get those micro serrations) I notice it always cuts better. IE: I rarely smoke, but when I do I like to cut the filter half way off because I like a stronger smoke. With my blades it takes like one or 2 slices to do so. With a smooth edge (no matter how sharp) it's like 10x's harder - borderline tedious. Same with regular old cardboard.
I know some of you will rip me, but go ahead and give me your opinions on this please.
I like them for working knives. Not so much for EDC knives

BTW you might want to try D2 steel if you haven't already. It's pretty renowned for taking and keeping the type of edge that you're describing.
What you are referring to, is a toothy edge. Which is sometimes referred to as a working edge, and it works very well for cutting rope, cardboard, soft goods, etc.

IMO, it's off topic, but you should really quit smoking. Casually smoking cigarettes is the equivalent of casually drinking MD20-20 out of the bottle.
What you are referring to, is a toothy edge. Which is sometimes referred to as a working edge, and it works very well for cutting rope, cardboard, soft goods, etc.

IMO, it's off topic, but you should really quit smoking. Casually smoking cigarettes is the equivalent of casually drinking MD20-20 out of the bottle.

Really man? Everyone knows the risks of smoking. We all make our own choices in life. No need for a forum lecture.
Really man? Everyone knows the risks of smoking. We all make our own choices in life. No need for a forum lecture.

You wouldn't be upset if he said he casually eats pizza and I said pizza isn't healthy. It isn't a forum lecture, it was two sentences. Get over it.
Micro serrations or the "teeth" at the edge do not break off, that's not how edges wear. They slowly degrade as if being sanded by tiny gremlins.

Next, toothy vs polished is 100% dependent on the cutting task and the cutting skill of the user.

Lastly, your description of sharpness seems a bit low, with the difficulties you have cutting the objects you are cutting I would say your edge is not as sharp as you might think.
Thanks, everyone who responded. Jason B - I didn't want to sound like I was bragging so I left this part out, but the knife is a brand new sebenza and it is ridiculously sharp. The reason I posted this thread is because I didn't want to immediately sharpen it the way I sharpen all of my knives (on a course stone). Try cutting a cigarette butt with both a polished sharp edge vs a toothy edge and you'll see what I mean. (definitely not trying to start an argument, but I know what a sharp edge is...)
Polished/highly refined is better for pushing cuts, but a properly set aggressive scratch pattern on a properly apexed edge will excel in slicing tasks. Media depending, of course.
I guess I'm a slicer then and will have to bite the bullet and just sharpen it the way I like it..
I'm a regular cigar smoker and have used my knife on a few occasion to cut the cap off when my cigar cutter is not handy. I find the sharper (smoother) the blade the cleaner the cut.
Thanks, everyone who responded. Jason B - I didn't want to sound like I was bragging so I left this part out, but the knife is a brand new sebenza and it is ridiculously sharp. The reason I posted this thread is because I didn't want to immediately sharpen it the way I sharpen all of my knives (on a course stone). Try cutting a cigarette butt with both a polished sharp edge vs a toothy edge and you'll see what I mean. (definitely not trying to start an argument, but I know what a sharp edge is...)

Sharp is sharp, different edge finishes are better at some tasks than others but from my Cigar or a cigaret butt or insert object of cutting desire here, I've cut it, sliced it, and repeated. When you form a good apex and clean the edge of any burr you will find extreme sharpness from a 36 grit stone or a 640,000 grit polishing compound. The real difference however, is in the blade, thinner grinds with lower inclusive edge angle can make a knife "sharper" thanks to improved geometry.

Factory sharpened edges are not something I would put too much stock in, consistency is never their strong point.
I guess that's a valid point.. either way - I'm just gonna sharpen it the way it like it. Just kind of sucks to mess with a new sebenza, but I gotta make it mine...