Microtech and it's pricing policy and how it effects you!

Well I didn't want Mr. Spy to Beat Me To The Punch Again
, so here's what I posted:

Well, I had some idea that this topic may cause a stir.
I'm sure everyone is aware of the thread In the Other Realm: http://www.bladeforums.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/004674.html

Yes, we know who Mr. Spy really is
, and we will continue to respect Mr. Spy's wishes to remain anonymous
However, I think it's safe to say that Mr. Spy took offense to my discussion, but we're not going to digress here.

The bottom line is that you should buy MTs 1st because you like them and only secondly as investments. A lot of people like to talk trash about MT, as it seems to me that they are jealous. Everyone is entitled to their respective opinions, and nobody is forcing anyone at Gun Point to buy any MT products. Although there are a few lurkers in here who didn't request a PSSWD, I've always had an Open Door Policy. In the end, it's up to you, the individual, to make your decisions about what you believe. There are many people in the OnLine Knife Community who seem to be more interested in creating controversy than enjoying and discussing knives. I buy MTs because I like them, and I don't get paid a thing by KFC or MT for doing what I do- I participate and run the "Collector Forum" because I like it.
Make 30 of a "hot company's" product and there will be more demand than supply. Why not make 300?

Of course, if things go too high, there could be a burst bubble......

I really liked your "equal opportunity offender" line. I know you mean to offend absolutely no one. You're just sharing your views.

One view you've included is the thought that there is too much animosity between BFC and KFC. First I think that view is entirely wrong. Second I think to infer that this alledged animosity is the root cause for examining MadDog, MicroTech, or whatever knife company is likewise incorrect.

May I point out that Spyderco's Forum at BFC grew out of a rather emotional "discussion" about MAAP pricing policies. It was no less critical or emotional than the criticisms of Kevin McClung's public persona and warranty were. The difference is that these outcrys were "capped" on one site and allowed, within reason and pre-existing rules, to be expressed on the other. I certainly wouldn't equate that to animosity.

Nor do I feel that this current thread about a visible representative firm of the "high end" contains any substantive hidden agendas. Contributors' issues have been remarkably well expressed and well within the relm of what I view as normal critiques.

As an aside, since others have gone on record, I feel I ought to as well. I do not now nor have I ever owned an MT knife. I've come close to acquiring a SOCOM or Mini-SOCOM but those impulses were overtaken by other events. I own 2 autos (a Benchmade and a South African make), but find myself in agreement with Sal Glesser that a good one-hand opener can be deployed faster than an auto. Frankly the charging handle design of most MTs does not appeal to me. The dual auto in and out being developed by the James Brothers (and I believe another maker) makes more sense to me and I may very well acquire one. I can not quibble with those who state that MT products exhibit exceptional quality either. I simply find the design of their products and their pricing such that they hold no interest for me.

I do find the tastes of the marketplace, the investment speculation by some collectors, and the vagaries of companies doing business in the cutlery industry (especially their pricing policies in response to the spread of e-commerce) to be quite facinating. As such I find this thread quite captivating.

Please rethink your postulated relationship between comments about specific companies and the existance of both BFC and KFC. In truth I really think you'll find it is a non-starter

Take care,


I did NOT escape from the institution! They gave me a day pass!

BFC member since 3 Oct 98
AKTI membership pending
VHA and NRA member

[This message has been edited by bald1 (edited 12 September 1999).]
Thanks Bob I forgot to bring that up.

This thread has nothing to do with any KFC or BFC battle for King of the forums. We run this site in a different way for very specific reasons. The reasons are mine and mine alone. I like the atmosphere I have created here and I will continue with the infrastructure I have delveloped. Spark has helped me in a tremendous way and we both complement each other in obvious and critical ways.

On wiht the discussion.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

I am involved in a different industry but the same type of situation Mike talks about. IMHO when someone comes in and undercuts everyone else, if you let them go they will eventually burn out because it is imposible to maintain the work load necessary to package and ship 100 of something to make the same profit 10 should provide. They will either wise up or go away. There are bargains to be had till this happens.

My suppliers have an MSRP(SUGGESTED not Mandatory) so I can see who is dumping and who is gouging. Neither of these two groups stay around very long.

Microtech is going to have to decide what part of the market they are going after, the user or collector. Then go after it through compition not price fixing.
[This post was written before Rick altered his, so I apologize for any confusion]

Rick, I want to thank you for bringing up a point that needs to be addressed.

Your referenced a percieved "animosity" between BladeForums.com and KFC, and while you are wrong about our feelings, I do see where you are coming from.

I think the salient point is being missed: the issue is not if there is animosity between the two sites, the issue is the subject matter being covered.

One of the tenants of this site is that if you are doing something wrong, you will be called on it, because someone is going to step forward and nail you on it. It's a simple statement of fact. Don't confuse that with animosity, because the two are not the same.

We have a very good track record of discussing the things that need to be discussed, instead of sweeping them under the rug and acting like ostriches. If you are wrong, you will be called on it, and it's that simple.

It may be a coincidence that Mad Dog and Microtech have both been called to the task for their actions here (and elsewhere), but don't confuse that with animosity. Instead, examine what's been done to earn their being discussed in the first place.

Everyone in the forums here may feel free to discuss the issues, but don't attribute malice and false intentions where there are none.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com

Insert witty quip here

[This message has been edited by Spark (edited 12 September 1999).]