Microtech questions


Gold Member
Jan 5, 2003
I've seen references to the different generations of the MT LCC; how do I tell them apart? I have 2 M/A LCCs: one is S/N 3082, dated 09/2000 and the other is S/N 5562, dated 09/2001. The bolsters on the newer one are darker than the other - is that one aluminum? Can the generation of the knives be determined just by the S/N and date?

I also have a MT SOCOM M/A, S/N 640, dated 4/97. It came in a cheesy gold cardboard jewelry box, complete with cotton batting. Is this anything special, or is it just an old knife?

Thanks again for all your help.
not a very good picture, but this may help

Howzit Kelsk. The ones in the picture Dennis posted are the D/A models. The boster changes were made due to problems with the auto action. You can still compare your M/A bolster to the ones in the pic. The black bolster is Aluminum. If your bolster is that dark, then it would be Aluminum. If not, then it is Ti.
Your Socom is from the original run. It is not too special. I actually like the blade grind on the later runs. But, it is still a great knife. Go use them, that is what they were made for.
Thanks for the info, although Dennis' picture wouldn't show up on my computer at home or work. Is the link broken?

Anyway, I'm still looking for a list of what to look for to differentiate the various generations. Sort of like: Gen 1: features, Gen 2: features, etc. Does someone have that information?
Hey Klesk, check over at KF on the MT forum: the info you seek was recently posted with clear pics and definitive explanations. Same was posted on Microholics a while back. Hope that helps.
Eh, Hawaiian, mahalo for the link.

After examining the pic, I found that my LCC EDC is a GEN IV, and my LCC "closet queen" is a GEN I. I never put them side-by-side, so I never noticed that the CF is cut at a differnt angle (where it meets the bolster) on the GEN I.

Thanks again to everyone for the help :) .