Military or Starmate....again


Feb 12, 2002
I just received my first Starmate from a trade(thanks, Jeff;)), and although I really love(and ALWAYS carry) my Military CE, I'd like to carry my new Starmate for occasional EDC as well. BUT, can a SpyderKnut possibly decide between these two excellent Spyders for EDC???

Which would you prefer, and why?
Well I don't have a Military, but I just received a Starmate PE #644 in trade today too :D

I really like the shape of the blade on the Starmate.
Carry the one that feels the best in your hand. For me, it would be the Police model.
That's part of the problem, Dann. Both of these Spydies have ergos that fit me like a glove....they're the two best fitting Spydies, for me anyway, out of my collection. ;)
Here is my best advice... If you can't decide, carry both. Thats what I do until I fund the one that suits me the best. My military won over the police,afck, and the commander to be my edc

What I generally do is to carry a knife for several days when I first get it, sort of as an initiation. Well, I guess for me it is more of the natural result of a fascination with a given model and the logical end to the "courting" process that comes into play when I acquire a knife. I figure this gives the new model a fair chance to get comfortable with me, and vice versa.

Next, try alternating each - one day at a time. Before long, you wil naturally settle on one more often than the other. I'm pleased to hear you like the Starmate.

Best wishes, Jeff/1911.
For me, the odd handle shape fit my hand better than the Military that jjcoolay has.
I also prefer the blade shape, and slight thumbramp, the lock and the weight of this solid knife.
Both are great, great knives! Congratulations, you happy one ;)
Now, I'd use the Military as EDC. The Starmate is discontinued so it's hard to find another one. OTOH, the Military is available so you can always replace your current knife if you damage it.
Now I know I can cause a lot of arguments concerning whether you should use your knives or treasure them if they are that hard to find, but that's what I'd do. Of course I'd carry the Starmate too, but not that often as the Millie.