Military Support, sponsor a knife for the troops!

Rob Simonich

Big Bear
Oct 3, 1998
Ladies and gentlemen. I have been getting mail from Kuwait that was sent before the troops invaded Iraq. I have several soldiers in need of good combat quality bladeware that are asking for Ravens. I am giving all I possibly can and then some. (My ass is broke) If there is anyone out there that wants to sponsor a knife for one of our brave soldiers in combat please contact me. I will extend the 20% military discount for the knife for the soldier, and give you a 20% discount on your next purchase. Thats the best I can do at this time as I have been sending knives every week to the theater, my wife is about to kick my ass. Anyone that sponsors will recieve the address of the soldier(s) getting the gift. I will aslo pass on any letters or contact info to the soldier who recieves a gift.

Thanks for looking and thanks for all your support of the troops!
I take it Rob, with the Ravenising 'our brave troops', you are sending these out to the British and Australian soldiers there also?

I can understand your wife I think.

Bloody unreal.
Rob - I can't think of a better way for a knife guy to show his support for our troops. These guys are putting it all on the line for us, and if anyone needs a good knife, it's our soldiers.

Thanks for doing this, Rob. You're a good American!
Wulf, thank you! Package goes out today! There is a soldier who will be one happy guy!

Also, thanks to the donor who wishes to remain anonymous! Your donation will be very appreciated.

I was asked in an email how soldiers are selected. I have gotten many letters from the field from soldiers who have seen my knives and say how much they liked it and if they could ever afford one they would get one. Also they see my ads in the magazines. They ask me to send them a catalog, not one has asked for a free knife. I keep these letters and am sending Raven Combat knives to these great men thanks to the donations of you patriots. I provide the donor with the name and address of the persons recieving the knives. Folks have also sent me money to do with as I see fit. This money is used to buy knife and gun magazines, multi tools, candy, gum etc which is also included in the package. One good soul sent a big box of jerky and meat sticks!

Also my friend Ryan Renuart is in Iraq and I am putting together a box of goodies for him to distribute. This is his second war and I sent him things to distribute the first time around and the materials were well placed and many a thank you letter came to me.
Hey there Rob,

I just want to say that I am very proud of you my friend, you are a true patriot.

Unfortunately however, I just got in a lot of trouble from my wife for building 35 DDR2 knife kits and then sending them off to a dear friend's Marine son to distribute to his fellow Marines...with that said I put a big dent in my plastic and infuriated my wife as well.

By the way, I saw you last weekend near the postoffice, you headed off before I could get ahold of ya.

Jerry :)