Minnesota Bladesmiths??

Nov 14, 2000
Sorry to post this again but the original got lost in the software transition before I was able to read it. So...know of any makers working here in Minnesota?


[This message has been edited by JAS10 (edited 03-27-2001).]
Donald Lange out of Pelican Rapids, MN is an ABS Mastersmith who does some of the most flawless work I have seen at bargain basement prices. Last I heard, he had luekemia and was not taking new orders though.

Danbo, soul brother of Rambo
Doc Hagen- www.dochagen.com
R. B. Johnson, Clearwater MN. Don't know if he has a website.
Bill Fiorini- www.kokametalsmiths.com
Hope this helps.
He does not forge, but Gene Shadley lives up there.

" The real art of living is to keep alive the longing in human beings to become greater versions of themselves." Laurens Van der Post in memory of James Mattis

[This message has been edited by Gus Kalanzis (edited 03-28-2001).]

There is a stock removal maker named Chuck Steffen up in St. Michael that does some great mirror polished ATS-34 natural material handled Loveless style knives - just met Chuck last weekend at the Badger Show and was very impressed. Picked up a few pieces for my site but have not got them added on yet.

Kevin Pensinger
The EDGE Equipment

Contact The EDGE for your custom cutlery needs!
R. B. Johnson doesn't have a web site that shows his knives. He is "shutter" a non-computer person. He makes great knives. One place his knives can be seen is at knifeart.com

A lefty trying to find his way in a righthanded world.
my art
BCC #942