You are buffing way to long (to get out grind marks,)
You're buffing your grind valleys as well as your grind peaks,
it's like record groves turning into waves, you need to remove
the groves and peaks ( grind marks) before buffing..
what I'm getting here from you is
your heat treating at 50 grit, is that right??
I'd finish to 400 grit then heat treat, then start at 220 after
the heat treat, then go to a 30 micron or equivalent
then to 15 micron then you can go to a 9 1/2 micron after also..
now between each grit make sure all the grind marks are removed
from the last grit( very important)you'll have to look very close.
Then hand sand 1000 or 1200 grit to 1500 grit then you can
lightly buff with the white.
if you use the green to much your going to
cut little divots in the finish cutting out the softer
steel from between the grains.
a 5" blade should buff out in about 5 minutes or less IF
your finish is right from sanding.
sand paper is a lot cheaper then buffing for 3-4 hours and still not getting what you want for a finish.
A little trick I do is, I do the hollow or bevels(in a flat grind) first,, THEN flat sand the sides THEN finish them, this keeps the
transitional lines crisper..
I hope this helps you cut your time down....