Missing model?


Hair Cropper & Chipmunk Wrangler
Apr 7, 2000
I just discovered the "Bear" 2 and 3. I'm very interested in the "Bear-2", but I am curious about the "Bear-1". Did it ever exist? Does it still? What was/is it like? :)
I really don't know, but I'd suspect that there was a Bear model at one time, which has been retired. The design probably looked a lot like the Bear 2 & 3, just as the style of the Arrow 1, 2, and 3 models are the same. However, I could only guess at what length blade it would have had. Perhaps the Bear 2 is a copy, brought back by popular demand, or it might be a bit longer or shorter than the original. Somebody who has one, or a PM to kancler are probably your best bets for a definitive answer.
Unfortunately, BEAR model is not available any more. But we had some for sale, so you can find them in some knife stores...
If you interested I can order a few for you from Russia.