Mistress Pricing Question

Apr 5, 2002
I'm a couple of months away from placing an order for a bm. On their website it's priced at $347. Very workable for me.

However...whenever I check out the "knife exchange" section of this site, individuals are selling them upward of $500. wtf??? am I missing something? why are they selling at such a high price?
Well, you see.....

Much as a battle-hardened veteran is worth more in a war than the newest and untested recruit, the value of a Battle Mistress increases in direct proportion to the stresses and use which she sees. It's as much a confidence issue than anything else; nonetheless, the more scars she carries the more she's worth.

Not buying that? Ok then....
Older styles, such as the Straight Handled Battle Mistresses, demand a premium on the used market because they're no longer available from Busse. Purists - such as myself - are also willing to pay more if we happen to prefer the straight handled models.

Pick either theory, they both have some merit. ;)
Rainmaker nailed it. :D:D

The older Straight Handled models have increased in price since they were discontinued.

Let us know when you get the BM-e, I'm sure you will love it. :D:D
The straight handles I can understand, because they've been discontinued...but the "experience" thing...well, not sure about that one.

Eric, I'll keep you posted on my bm-e purchase.