Mitchell Knives - General Status Update!

Mitchell Knives

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
May 21, 2000
Hi Guys,

As some of you may have noticed, I haven't been on the forums very often as of late. Fortunately, it was for a very good reason. ;)

I recently accepted a new job in the cyber forensics division of a large, fairly well known company. :thumbup:

As you can probably imagine, the majority of my time in recent weeks has been spent traveling, training and generally getting up to speed for my new role.

It also appears that I will be out of state for a couple of weeks in August and possibly September, October and November as well. It's really hard to say for sure what my schedule will be for the next few months. Very exciting, yet kind of frustrating also from a planning standpoint.

I've had to slow down knife production accordingly in the mean time. I imagine things will return to normal at some point, but I can't say for sure when.

I will be unable to take take any new orders, although I will still be posting knives here on the forums.

I should actually have a few knives posted later this week, and will try to maintain regular production as much as possible.

Also, if you have sent me an email in the last few weeks and didn't receive a response please try again. My gmail account was hacked. Luckily I did not have any critical data stored there.

Thanks for understanding!
Johnathan, congrats on the new position.
I've been admiring your knives for a while and was wondering if you ever do left-handed pieces - maybe as part of a run?
Johnathan, congrats on the new position.
I've been admiring your knives for a while and was wondering if you ever do left-handed pieces - maybe as part of a run?


Most of my knives are ground on both sides, but I can do either a left or right handed chisel grind also.

That's the great thing about custom knives; I can make it exactly how YOU want it!