Mod Deiter Cqd Mkii

Jan 27, 2002
After 2 days of owning my new Deiter MKII Stealth, I can honestly say that things are not as they were expected.
First issue was when I opened up the box. I immediately noticed the pocket clip was loose. I proceeded to tighten down the pocket clip, and 2 out of 3 allen heads stripped out completely. I now have to have MOD send new ones, and I have to use a dremel tool to cut a slot for a flat head screwdriver in the screws just to get them out. Although this problem is being fixed, it should have never happened. Period.
Second issue, which may in fact turn out to be the worst. The gritty like, grip tape that is in 4 places on the handle is sliding around and coming loose, right out of the box. For those of you who are familiar with this knife, the grip and overall feel of this knife is EXCELLENT, but the grip tape being loose is totally uncool. I have spoken with a fellow forum member who is experiencing the same problem. Here is what MOD told him: ( I have not contacted MOD about this issue yet). They said that sometimes the glued on, grip tape does not adhere very well in the factory, due to the knife having a slight bit of oil or lubricant on it. Also, if temperature-wise, the knife is cold, then it might not apply right either.
Although I can understand both of these conditions being the fault, I fail to understand why they were not controlled. Here you have a company who boasts having "tolerances 1/30th of a human hair", but at the same time, they cannot apply grip tape to the knife right?
Keep in mind, that MOD has been very great and helpful about these issues, but ONLY time will tell if the grip tape issue gets solved. I personally predict that even if I replace my old grip tape to a "cleaner, oil free" knife, the problem will still occur, but like I said, only time will tell. I have also forgotten until now to mention that the grip tape that is used tends to "shed" if you will. You can rub your thumb on it and little granules of it come right off.
Finally, I think the knife is of a great design as far as the lock up, blade and handle design (excluding the grip tape). However, there is no way I can justify spending in the neighborhood of $200 for a knife to have these problems. Not to mention they were problems that came RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX.
If anyone has any experiences with their MOD that may be similar to this, myself and biogon would be interested to hear them in detail. Thanks for everyones time.
Razorhunter: Thanks for your post. I was hot to trot for a new MOD CQD MkII, but have cooled since I read your post. You are absolutely correct in saying that a knife that costs $200 should not have the types of problems that you described. That non-skid tape stuff really dampened my enthusiasm for this knife.
You know what, I just bought a large one and it was perfect. I think any factory knife can have problems and MOD seems to have a few bad ones slip through. I would do one of two things. Send it right back to whoever I bought it from and ask for another that does not have these problems. I buy from dealers that allow this. The other option is to send it MOD and tell them you want a perfect knife. Fix it or exchange it. That should be easy enough, and I cant imagine they would object. I understand their customer service is great. I really like the design and its worth the trouble. I had trouble with my Sifu, but they made it right and it was worth all the fooling around. I like my large Dieter CQD so much I am buying the small one as soon as I recover from the cash dump of the large one. See it through, you will be glad in the long run.
Didn't any problems with either Dieter models I received. Both arrived perfect without any issues. Would highly recommend any of the MOD models to anyone for any use, and they sure have one for whatever the job may be.
I actually have one of the line except ladyhawk and razorback.I personally have not had any trouble and have been well pleased with
all.Unfortunatly sometimes things do slip through QC. I think this
is more a problem with QC than with the knives themselves.I have
dealt with Jim Ray personally and know that he takes great pride in
the work that bears his name.I would address the issues with him and
see what your result is.In fairness to them thses blades have not just been given Blade of the Year awards because they are POS.
I have two MOD knives, one being a Dieter Mk II. The Deiter is flawless, the Trident had a stripped screw in the pocketclip. I called Jim Ray and within 4 days I had 4 brand new screws in 2 sizes. Excellent service IMHO. If you are having a problem, contact Jim.
I have had at least 4 or 5 CQD MKII's since they have come out.

I seem to trade or sell them during weak moments (as is the case with all of my factory knives) but always go and get another.

Each one has been as good as the last and I have never experienced any of the problems you have seen. Not even the tape shedding...

I also have a hard time faulting the manufacturer for stripped screws. Yes, they should have been tight out of the box but in a screw that small if you don't have exactly the right size tool and a very delicate touch you will strip the screw.

It's happened on more expensive knives than $200 I can promise you.

I would say have the problems taken care of and enjoy the knife, it really is an awesome design.

I have had many people buy them based on conversations with me and have no qualms about reccomending them in the future.

Good luck!

You are very correct, and I agree with you. I do however, believe that some stronger grade screws should have been used. Why put so much time and effort into a design, only to use low quality hardware?