MOD Knives...

Feb 7, 2003
Ok, I'm new to this forum so if I ask stupid questions please forgive.

What's the word on MOD knives? Specifically the CQD MKI. I'm looking for a new carry knife as my CS Voyager just doesn't cut it...literally, it dulls pretty darn easy in my opinion. Thoughts, opinions, etc. welcome...and if there are other brands I should check out please throw them out there. Thanks!
Hi Drew.

I have a few MOD's and have owned all of their folders at some point.

Unless you are looking for a knife to make even the most hard nosed criminal run screaming like a school girl I would avoid the MK I.

Pictures cannot even describe how big the knife really is!

I got one and literally started laughing at the thought of trying to walk around with it in my pocket - it's really best suited for sheath carry due to its size.

Possibly one of my top 5 knives of all times is the CQD MKII, very carriable and just one of the biggest wow factors you can get in production knife.

In general I would say MOD is in the upper 80% - 90% of production makers. In manual action knives they have Microtech edged out on most models especially since Microtech still refuses to produce a manual action with the button lock. But the MT LCC is hard to beat by any knife - even customs.

It's hard to say what would be better choices but check out this thread for a lot of great suggestions.

Good luck and welcome!
Originally posted by cpirtle

Pictures cannot even describe how big the knife really is!

Sure they can! :)






It's one of my favourite knives!

Yup, it's a big knife, but that's OK with me. The handle inserts are extremely grippy. Great design, even though the opening action could be smoother, especially at that price.
Originally posted by Quiet Storm
...the opening action could be smoother...

How much have you used yours?

The reason I ask is because MOD does not use washers, they are milled into the handles. So when the handles are finished the action is a little gritty. Once you use the knife for a while and/or open it 50 or 75 times it will wear in nicely and be smooth as butter... been that way with every one I've ever owned...

I should have also mentioned that if you like huge knives go for it. I like big knives so it was a little out of my size level. The MKII is nearing the smallest size I like to carry as a primary blade but the MKI was just way to big for me YMMV.
I fondled one which was NIB, I do not own it. But a folder (out of the box) with this price tag should open smoother than CRKTs or the cheaper Spyderco models.

I didn't know about the washers wearing in though, so please take it for what it's worth.