More handle options for 300s?

Oct 9, 2000
I know this has been brought up in the past but I want to bring up the idea again. I read, "you have not because you ask not." I carry, use, collect and enjoy Buck knives. I have lots of others but Buck is my favorite. I would love to see Buck come out with more handle options for the 300 series, traditional slip-joints. I know the good old black handle is tough and durable and I use one almost every day but I also like the bone, poly-pearl and the yellow handle 303 I have. I would love to see the 300s in smooth yellow, more jigged bone (I have a brown and red jigged bone and love them), even some real neat jigged delrin would be nice. I really believe they would sell as fast as they hit the market. The poly-pearl 303s that Wal Mart has sold lke hotcakes around here. I have two of them. Some other companies make a lot of handle options but the quality of Buck is as good as any. We just need more handle to choose from. This is just a thought from a Buck, traditional slip-joint lover.

Remember what matters to you matters to God because you matter to God.
Hi there! if you really want to go for the gusto, try Santa Fe Stoneworks. They do some really neat stuff. And I believe they have the 303.
Im gonna go look.
guy g, that is probably a little more gusto than my budget will allow. I looked at the sight but didn't see any prices. You were right about the handle options, they were some awesome colors. The poly-pearl at Wal Mart at $24.95 is more in my budget range. Thanks for the info though. I always enjoy learning more about knives.
Russell, it's not an easy site to navigate. The prices run in the $70-90 range for Bucks stuff. I also have a Poly pearl . I wonder how many folks have Buck slip joints?
take care,
I have a handful!!! But I only two that I carry - a 303- Poly bought at Wally World (I have another one of these put away!) and a black handled 309. These are part of my EDC knives but usually only go in the pocket when I'm wearing dress pants (about once very 2 - 3 months). :D

I really like the 700 series as well, particularly the 704 and 709. The wooden handle scales and the script medallion just looks "GOOD!"

BTW - Thanks for the web site for Sante Fe. I've seen their knives on eBay but never took the time to take a look at their web site. After the "tax man cometh," I may have to investigate a little more.....
I like my 701, I wish they made the 300´s standard with those same wood scales (birch?), in Mexico they are so hard to find, I´ve being looking for a regular black 303 for a long while with no luck, finding one in wood or bone is just a dream for me.