Movie Quotes...

Centaur said:
Nope, sorry. Think 1980's Fantasy, music by Tangerine Dream.

PS - I'm impressed that "Vanishing Point" was gotten so fast! You guys are not bad!

Dark Crystal?
Centaur said:
A: Undercover blues.

Q: Attention, passengers, we are now leaving Nun Central on our journey to Hell and beyond


heathah - Please post the source for the quote before you post a new one. That's been the protocol on the previous movie quotes threads.
Sorry, didn't realize we had a protocol for this sort of thread. I like to multi-task...:D
Larry B. said:
"It's all about money otherwise it's just conversation".
Somebody must know this quote. The actor that said it won and acadamy award for best actor in that film.
heathah said:
Sorry, didn't realize we had a protocol for this sort of thread. I like to multi-task...:D

No worries! :p

That's how the threads have worked in the past - this is the 3rd one. it keeps things going smoothly - If you can answer the quote, then you post the next one.

These threads have gotten to over 25 pages in the past. They're a ton of fun!
Ima throw out another.

"I missed, I never miss. They must have been smaller than I thought."
heathah said:
So how many do we currently have unanswered?
I don't know. I think we're up to :p
OwenM said:
"Yeah, I've never felt this way...with a human."
Come on, y'all KNOW this one.
I'll make it easy, same movie-"where did he learn to negotiate like that?"

and I think that last one by Tiewas was Pulp Fiction
Tiewas said:
Ima throw out another.

"I missed, I never miss. They must have been smaller than I thought."

A: Hard to Kill (Steven Segall)

I believe we're still on OwenM's.
OwenM said:
I don't know. I think we're up to :p

Come on, y'all KNOW this one.
I'll make it easy, same movie-"where did he learn to negotiate like that?"

and I think that last one by Tiewas was Pulp Fiction

Fifth Element
"Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum. What beanstalk you fall from?"

Major Payne. I had forgotten about that one. Can't believe I missed the Bacelor Party one. Very upset at myself.

'And now you understand. Anything goes wrong, anything at all... your fault, my fault, nobody's fault... it won't matter - I'm gonna blow your head off. No matter what else happens, no matter who gets killed I'm gonna blow your head off."