Moving pocket clip on Buck/Strider


Gold Member
Jan 5, 2003
I originally posted this in the Blade Discussion forum, but a Forumite suggested that I would get more meaningful responses here.

I am looking for someone who can relocate the pocket clip on my Buck/Strider to the correct side (pivot end) of the knife. There are (in my inexeperienced eyes) a couple of issues. First, the clip is currently held down by screws which are screwed into the G10. Buck accomplished this by relieving the titanium liner directly under the area where the clip screws go through the G10. If the clip is moved to the pivot end, there is no such relief in the liner. So the liner, as well as the G10, would have to be drilled and the liner, at least, has to be tapped. To go through the G10 and the liner, longer screws have to be substituted; I wouldn't even begin to know where to find screws like that around here.

Second, the factory clip is held down by three screws in a triangular pattern. On the pivot end of the knife, there is not enough room to accommodate this arrangement above the pivot. I would hate to move the clip below the pivot because, on top of being ugly, a lot of the knife would stick out of my pocket. A Forum Member suggested that the factory clip might work, with a little modification, but I think that a "standard" clip, with the screws more in a line, would work fine. Also, a clip from a Spyderco Civilian looks like it would fit right in.

TIA for your offers/input/suggestions.