Mpc Owners

Aug 20, 2003
MPC sharpening angle question...My sharpmaker isn't catching the edge, so I used my GATCO setup and to get the edge I had to sharpen at 25 degrees... Has anyone reprofiled their edge to 20 or 15 degrees? Are you happy with it? All I managed to do was scuff the blade up with the friggin' stones. Thanks, Tom

I spent a coupla hours with my 204 SharpMaker and got it down to 40 inclusive with a 30 deg. back-bevel. Sharper than factory.


I like doing things the hard way, LOL -- no, really, I just lack an EdgePro, that's all. Still, it was easier to do than on S30V, and all-in-all, it's holding its edge very well !

aka DumboRAT
Thanks for the reply. I put my MPC on the Sharpmaker today with sandpaper attached to the stones. Worked very well and I ended up with a great edge. Used 240,400,600,1000 grit then the ceramic sticks and some .3 micron paper to polish. Took about 30 minutes, I needed many strokes on the 240 to get a good burr...not perfect,but better than it was...Thanks, Tom

The edge angle on the Nemesis is the same as the MPC (only less serrations). First, I scuffed up the finish ( :mad: ), but, with care, I was able to take the edge down to 30 degrees with the Sharpmaker. I already had the diamond stones (400 grit, so I used them, but, to make sure I finish the job, I'm going to wrap some coarse sandpaper around the brown stones and keep chugging until the edge is shaving sharp and then move to the mediums, fines, and ultra fines. Might even steal a page out of your book and take the polish higher with the .5 micron and .3 micron lapping films.

By back-bevelling and putting on a 40 edge, as Allen did, the cutting and piercing power of the Nemesis jumped. But, we're all knifeknuts here and it's easy to imagine that I wanted even more performance even if there's no perceivable difference between 30 and 40 degrees.


I'd say to establish the best possible edge you can with the coarsest abrasive you can before moving onto anything finer.