MT SOCOM prices wtf!

Jan 9, 1999
I was watching a SOCOM on ebay. Black blade and born in 99. 154CM steel. Went for $275! Holy crap so I am figuring my 98 in ats34 is worth at least 1.5x as much :) Can't for the life of me figure out why it went for such a price. Granted it was mint but still. I'll never carry mine again that is for sure. Well maybe I will. Maybe just a fluctuating market. Who knows but I sure was surprised. keepem sharp
Maybe it is just a fluctuating market. The nice part of that is, the next similar knife for sale may benefit from that one guy who overpaid. :)
Overpaid!? Whaddya mean over paid! I am expecting 3 bills when I sell mine. :D Can't belive it went for that much. Somebody must have wanted one awful bad. keepem sharp
ebay has been weird lately.

An 806D2 going for 200+ for example.

Of course, there is the issue of actually completing the transaction. "Buyers remorse" can have a new meaning with the time delay available.
I recently purchased a BM812 and 800 nib for both. Paid 100 bucks for the little one and 75 for the big one. You would think it would have been just the opposite. But I wanted them first because both are like new and secondly you just don't find them that often even on ebay for that price and this particular model in ats34 with the round hole has been out of prod. for a long time.

Man they sure open smooth that is for sure. Liner just fully engages on both so lots of room for wear and the cloissoine's match and they have the bali song logos on the blades. Ok hows this I'll let them go right here and right now for 300 scoots!:foot: Psych. Anyways I like'em but will probably be safe queens along with my MT. keepem sharp
aw man, that hurts: i lost a '98 on a metro rail platform :barf: I just found my 812S under my bed today though :) she'd been hiding for at least 6 months.
Man, I had mine for sale just like that 300 dollar one for $215 with no bites. Glad I didn't sell it. I guess it's price just went up,:thumbup:
Hey I don't know about the MT prices. You'll only get what someone is willing to pay. Me I think the 98's and earlier were the best built MT's especially in the ats34 steel. The SOCOM is the defacto s.d. knife if you ask me. Good sweeping belly, very pointed but strong, lock up is superb at least on the ones I have and have owned, opens like butter and are beyond sharp as one likes to say. I even have the lanyard attached and I hate lanyards except on whopper choppers.

Now I also have an old MOD Tempest. You know the one kraton inserts and it rivals the MT I own for quality. Doesn't open quite as smooth but the ergo's on this little knife are excellant too. I think out side of a sebbie the MT's and the MOD's old school are about as good as you can get when it comes to build quality. You just don't seem to loose money on them. keepem sharp
Have to agree with you Longbow, the older ones 2000 and before (MT and MOD) are excellent folders. The market place seems to have changed on E-bay in the last few years on these knives ie. not as many available and at a much higher final bid. Have to wonder though if all of these sales are completed and how much are they going to be worth in the future?
Long B-

I don't want to hurt anyone's feeling but 154CM and ATS-34 are the same steel.

Scroll down about half way to see the comparison.

Anyway, great knives. I sent two mini-Socoms, autos, to the relatives in beautiful Baghdad where they used them in all kinds of cr@ppy conditions without any problems for a year and a half.
Sheesh! Two years ago, I purchased TWO '98 SOCOMS NIB for a total of $200! Shipped!:eek: I traded/sold the two for break-even. Wish I would have kept them.

I know 154 and 34 are essentially the same. But for whatever reason I get ats34 sharper. I have proved this to myself in my AFCK's, Pro Tech TR, and any other ats34 knife I have owned. Can't figure it out for the life of me. The edge on my ats34 knives get a much grabbier edge. I guess that what makes the world go around. keepem sharp