Mundial Kitchen Knives


Sep 6, 1999
My wife and I received several Mundial kitchen knives as a gift. I am wondering if someone here might tell me a little more about them. Made in Brazil, they are an 8" chef's knife, a 6" boning knife and a large paring knife. They look nice and my wife seems to appreciate them. Today I found the tip of the paring knife bent. I straightened it easily...probably weakened it further, in the process. Anyway, are there any opinions about this brand?
I have several myself. IMHO they are the best overall value in high end kitchen knives. It is my understanding that they are from Henkels dies. It is much the same relationship that Taurus had with Berreta some years back.

I only wish that they would replace the wood scales with a polymer. After about 11 years the wood is starting to show some problems such as cracking and warping. Nothing major but it is enough to make them hard to clean now.
Thanks for the reply. I checked them out on several websites that sell kitchen stuff. Their German(?) heritage is spoken least the steel is said to be from Germany. They seem to be good quality. I thought I saw them advertised with polymer scales, by the way.
I asked about this knife producer a couple of weeks ago on another part of the forum, and concluded basically the same thing. That they have basically the same relationship to Henckels, as Taurus to Beretta. I guess the founder is, originally, German.

It's nice to hear someone like R.W. Clark say complimentary things about these knives. I picked up an 8" Chef's at the thrift store the other day (8" being my favorite length for a cook's knife). Has the Ironwood scales, which, regardless of durability, I much prefer to that black stuff. ;-) And I really like it! I guess I should consider it quite a bargain, since it is like new and was 75 cents. :D