My 20.5" GS was made by Murali


Knife and Computer Geek
Nov 2, 2002

The Flag post goes into the Handle.

And I thought it was Kesar....OOps:o
Well, those are just typical examples, who knows what is going on besides the kamis themselves? :D The initials really tell the difference, AFAIK Murali only started producing after they started with the initials, so any of his products should be marked as such...

Someday I'll drag out the collection and do another round of photos with better lighting. Of course, if anybody wants to send me their knife, I'll be happy to catalog the marker's mark for posterity and (eventually) send it back :D :D I just like the marks for some small connection to the guys who are actually good enough with their hands to put their name on what they make :)
Murali 20.5" GS



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Of course, if anybody wants to send me their knife, I'll be happy to catalog the marker's mark for posterity and (eventually) send it back

This was really for Uncle Bill. He was right the first time about it being made by Murali. I thought it was made by Kesar.:o
Originally posted by beoram
the kamis must have a good laugh over the marks and initials...

And with 3 different Kamis using the same Mark, but in different angles it must be a real good laugh.
Have a 21"GS made by Durba. Sorry but not going to "loan" this one out for cataloging. Won't give this khuk up period!!! Take my word, Durba did a good job on this one.
Now I'm really mixed up.My 16.5" WWII was made or recieved last year at this time.If u hold the knife edge down and the tip to your left the pennant is 3/8" long and flag tips pointing to the handle.I thought Durba had left and Kesar took it over or visa versa. :confused:BOY I've got to get a scanner!It does look like Kesar's mark by looking at the pics. FRANK.
From the picture that I liked to off the HI site you can see that Kesar's flag is even, Durba's are closer together so who knows.

So if you look carefuly at the picture and compare yours then you should beable to tell.
Well, I don't know about all this. Both Raghorn (I think-) and I have Kesar's with identical flags to the 12" sirupati posted. I have a 19" chitlangi with that Murali flag.

I mean, it's fine by me if it's Murali instead, but I really think Kesar made a few this and thata way before he settled. Both Rag and I purchased nearly the same time, last year in March or April for me.

In my youthfull freshness, new to the forum, I couldn't understand why the Kami's went to initials, and asked Bill about it here. "I like the symbols too if they'd just stay with one."

I think it could be kesar by the pics u have.But I'll never know:confused: Durba could have made it and Kesar put his mark to it who knows.:) I do remember a story that Walosi told me that last year Kesar had to leave to take care of his farm and Durba took his mark over for awhile.Walosi r'u out there?????:D
One possible way to differentiate Kesar and Murali may be the handle. Most of Kesar's handles seem to be fairly skinny (with only one exception that I've handled), while Murali's handles are fat.

Yeah the handle is fat.

And it really feels good in my hand too and it has the best balance of the Khuks I have.

Plus if you look really close at the bottom point on mine and in the picture at the top you will see that Murali puts a break in the bottom point while Kesar doesn't.

So yes it is Murali with the information that we have at hand.