My explanation

Mar 20, 2002
I've got alot of emails so I'll try and answere them all here openly.

I'm selling off some, not all, of my blades to help finance my new truck. I had planned on getting a truck around sept or oct this year. Well the best laid plan is just that a Plan. My truck made up my mind for me, basically it bit the farm and I can't see droping several thousand dollars into somthing I'm planning on selling later. Turns out I got a great trade in and it helps to have a cousin that own's a chevy dealership. So there's my story and I'm sticking to it:D

Thanks for all the concern, and yes I'm ok, physically atleast:p

And I haven't lost the plot...... I have it right here in my pocket;)
Selling Busse knives to finance a truck purchase is understandable, but a Chevy?:eek:

I always associated the Busse crowd to be more of the Dodge Ram type.:cool:

Best wishes for your purchase either way.
At least it's not something silly like to pay for critical medical treatment :p

Heck, I'm not complaining, it gives us chances to buy some cool INFI :D
Originally posted by Nimrod
I always associated the Busse crwod to be more of the Dodge Ram type.:cool:
Sorry, but we like stuff that's rugged and dependable around here.

My Busse's are why I finally broke down and bought my Explorer Sport-trac... nothing else could carry me, a BM SH and a SH II SH!:eek:

LOL!!! :D
I thought all Busse owners only bought "HIGHLY DEPENDABLE" and "RUGGED" trucks like the "TOYOTA TACOMA." And only bought "HIGHLY DEPENDABLE" and "RUGGED" guns like "GLOCKS."
And only bought "HIGHLY DEPENDABLE" and "RUGGED" flashlights like "SUREFIRES":D

We can let it slide once though.:D :p
Well, I am still pissed off at you Jay and no lame ass excuse is gonna get your ass out of it...:grumpy:

Oh all right then, I suppose I can understand...Atleast you will have some Mojo in your life in about, oh.....5 days...:D ;)

Enjoy her and treat her like a good wine my friend...:eek:
Originally posted by sevenedges
I thought all Busse owners only bought "HIGHLY DEPENDABLE" and "RUGGED" trucks like the "TOYOTA TACOMA." And only bought "HIGHLY DEPENDABLE" and "RUGGED" guns like "GLOCKS."
And only bought "HIGHLY DEPENDABLE" and "RUGGED" flashlights like "SUREFIRES":D

We can let it slide once though.:D :p

Toyota..... name say's it all it's a TOY

Glock... Use to love them more than air.... Untill my G23 blew up in my hand.

Surefire.... Ok even my mom can get this one right:D
Raden, didn't anyone ever tell you it's not the gun that blows up, it is "ALWAYS" the cartridge? Come on now, you should know much better that shooting reloads. Get you some manufactured +p+ and your glock will thank you.:D

And for the Yota just tell the fords and chevys that I pull out of the mud it's just a "toy." Sorry I just love my new truck, hope you do too Good luck bud.

I thought we were supposed to like Sig P220s and full-size GMCs:(

Well, at least I carry a Surefire...
1911 semi-autos and Busses go together like Lucky Charms and milk... :)
Originally posted by sevenedges
Raden, didn't anyone ever tell you it's not the gun that blows up, it is "ALWAYS" the cartridge? Come on now, you should know much better that shooting reloads. Get you some manufactured +p+ and your glock will thank you.:D


I just happened to have been shooting Winchester factory loaded ammo. The pistol had probably seen 500,000 plus rounds through it, I was heavy into the GSSF at the time. Glocks explanation was that the cases are not fully enclosed in the .40 caliber barrels at the feed ramp and this along with a weak casing both contributed to the accident. It took a while but my Glock rep finally replaced the pistol. I was suprised when it happened and that I was uninjured with the exception of a cut on my forehead where a piece of the barrel had hit me. I still have One Glock and it is the replacement pistol they gave me.
Ouch! Sorry about the Glock. Too durned fancy for me, I stick to single actions from Ruger and Casull.

They look pretty good with my Steelheart too!
Glad your O.K. I've seen a few go sig and a kel teck:barf:
Both were with reloads and were messy:D
Sigs and 1911's are nice as is H&K.