my first busse


Aug 8, 2005
I got one!


It's great :D :D :D

Thanks RJ!
That's sweet!!! My favorite of all the GWs! Congrats... and I agree... nice pig. :D
Soooooweet! I have a SMOG too, and my youngest daughter has a pig just like that as well. My 2 youngest have a thing about swine for some odd reason:confused: .

;) :D

Thanks for sharing!
Congrats on a great knife! Have one on my hip right now as well...
Another GW in Germany. :eek:
Congrats the GWs are great little kinves :thumbup: :thumbup: .
Great Score!:thumbup: and welcome to the "INFI" world of insanity!:eek: Hurry.....quick send it to me, I'll save U from a life of.....:confused: :eek: ....., Oh, and U have a piggy too! There's no help for U, your beyond help!!

So then it's just CONGRATS!! on a sweeeeeet Warden!:thumbup:

Congrats on your first Busse and welcome aboard!:thumbup:
So...what's next on your hit parade?

Another GW, or something a little Porkier?

Inquiring minds want to know.
it's amazing!
I was cutting the inch rope with my warden, despite the small sizes and quite big cutting edge angle it overcut all my other blades :)

wow! I neeeeed to buy one more busse (this time something big) :)