My FIRST Spyderco

May 24, 2004
I just got my package from NGK that contained the new Spyderco Endura 4 (and the band-aids of course)! This is my first Sypderco - and by first I mean I already know I'm going to be getting more of these. I absolutely love it! I tried to order a Delica 4 at the same time, but they were already sold out. I know I'll have to get a Delica for my EDC. I want to handle a Native also. After a week or so I think the Endura will be save for "special occasions", but I think I'm hooked.:D
I played with the new variation the other day at a knifeshop and was very impressed with the improvement Sal made on this already fantastic pocketknife. The difference between the two generations is positively staggering. Two thumbs way up. A great value.

Oh by the way, good choice ordering from New Graham. Best in the bidness. :)
I know what you mean. Spydercos make up the bulk of my collection due to their designs and quality. Further to that is their great support. I'm sure you'll be pleased with every Spydie you buy - I know I've been! :)
My first Spyderco was an Endura I bought over 13 years ago. It is still cutting to this day. Great knives.

I've been waiting for the Delica 4s to come back in stock, but I don't think I can wait much longer. I'll be in an area tomorrow where I know I can pick up an original Delica and I have a feeling that I will.....
Hi Binford, congrats on the Endura. The same model only 15 years ago was the start for me to really capture the attraction of Spyderco knives.

I hope you will enjoy your new knife and hope that it will lead to a whole collection of Spyderco knives.

If you are interrested you can always join the Spyderco Forum on the Spyderco website.