my first test of busse battle mistress

Aug 15, 1999
I got my battle mistress today, and went out to the brush pile.

I chopped for an hour on seasoned oak limbs and seasoned hedge(osage orange).

Osage orange (also called bodark or bow d'arc is about the toughest dried wood we have in Missouri. It is tougher and harder than seasoned oak or hickory or anything else we have here.

The battle mistress performed great. After an hour of chopping thru 3 and 4" limbs, it would still pop hair using the section which was used to chop. I am seriously impressed with this infi steel.

Next I am going whittle and chop some seasoned oak 1x2 boards with my badger attack to check it out.

I'll let you know how it works.

Thomas Zinn

thats cool!! thanks for the report! I can't wait to get my basic 9 i am hoping to get the same results.

Let me know how it works for you when you get it. I am interested in those reports of the modified infi steel models, compared to those of the infi steel models.


Thomas Zinn
That sounds good to me....I want to see and feel myself how the production busses perform. I let you knew as soon as i get it

Frost Cutlery knives could outcut one of those...

Frost Cutlery sucks
I hope you're kidding Tuff. If not, then that is perhaps one of the most misinformed statements I've seen on these forums. Do you even own one?

Chris Canis
Day-um Thomas.Bois'D Arc you say?
Osage Orange,aka Hedge Apple etc.
This stuff has more names than the worlds most wanted character.

I live in Oklahoma and know very well what Osage Orange is like.Since the INFI will chop even two of this woods 4" dia seasoned logs in two and still pop hair,then I may have to get myself the Basic 5 or 7 to go along with one of my khuks.

Yeah,the basic 7 would make a great size karda.


The civilized man sleeps behind locked doors in the city while the naked savage sleeps (with a knife) in a open hut in the jungle.

Himalayan Imports Website

You're right Cliff.I had to go look;I printed out the full sized Salyan that Doc z or dz I think it was posted in the some time back.It came out to about 22"lg and the handle was 7".
I was thinking it was a little longer than that.It came out well proportioned though and not like "Stubby". By the way.Have you done a review on the Salyan yet? I don't recall seeing anything.


The civilized man sleeps behind locked doors in the city while the naked savage sleeps (with a knife) in a open hut in the jungle.

Himalayan Imports Website

Yvsa, my Salyan was a little too soft so I sent it back to Bill for Kami to have a look at.

canis-check out the bottom of Tuff's post: JK means just kidding. People are getting kind of testy around here...from the script of Stripes, one of my favorite movies, "Lighten up, Francis." JK, of course!
OOPS! I'm not up to date on my web vernacular. Pardon my ignorance!


Chris Canis