I got my battle mistress today, and went out to the brush pile.
I chopped for an hour on seasoned oak limbs and seasoned hedge(osage orange).
Osage orange (also called bodark or bow d'arc is about the toughest dried wood we have in Missouri. It is tougher and harder than seasoned oak or hickory or anything else we have here.
The battle mistress performed great. After an hour of chopping thru 3 and 4" limbs, it would still pop hair using the section which was used to chop. I am seriously impressed with this infi steel.
Next I am going whittle and chop some seasoned oak 1x2 boards with my badger attack to check it out.
I'll let you know how it works.
Thomas Zinn
I chopped for an hour on seasoned oak limbs and seasoned hedge(osage orange).
Osage orange (also called bodark or bow d'arc is about the toughest dried wood we have in Missouri. It is tougher and harder than seasoned oak or hickory or anything else we have here.
The battle mistress performed great. After an hour of chopping thru 3 and 4" limbs, it would still pop hair using the section which was used to chop. I am seriously impressed with this infi steel.
Next I am going whittle and chop some seasoned oak 1x2 boards with my badger attack to check it out.
I'll let you know how it works.
Thomas Zinn