My Indy Haul!!!!!

Here's a comparison pic of the Natural Outlaw CG and the Desert Natural Outlaw. I have to admit, when I first saw the DNO pics, I wasn't thrilled, but they are a lot cooler in the hand than on the screen! It must have been the camera angle or something, but these are bad "little" blades.
Nice Haul, you HOG ;):D:D

I love that PS and when you get tired of that SH variant just let me know ;):D:D
Sweet knives! I'm very much looking forward to getting my 10" desert overrun (hint... hint... HINT !!! ) :D
We weren't supposed to tell you but Jerry brought those to the Show and we slopped them up like the HOG's we are. ;):D

Sorry I didn't want to crush your Spirit but I see no other way ;):D:D
Eric. You are a bad person if this is a joke, and you're an even worse person if it's the truth :D

I'm starting to believe these terrible rumors since he has been avoiding the topic. Hell will rise and pigs will fall if those 10" overruns are gone!!!

Stinky, I'm holding your species responsible for this disaster if true.
Sweet haul! :D :eek: Geez I wish I could make it to those Busse knife shows :( . . .

Oh well it's 'better' this way. Once I get my first variant, the disease will be in its advanced stage!
Speaking of INFI disease, evidently ThatMguy has it pretty bad. That sure looks like drool coming out of his mouth! :)
Congrat's ProOINKER...ummmm I mean gunner:D

With all you hog's sloppin up the desert NO's it's no wonder all I was able to grab was a DMF:p

I really wish I could have made it to the show, but there's no way I'm missing Blade:D
Is it me or does this look like Shaggi is checkin out ThatMguy:eek:
Congrats again PG!!! I love that PS!:cool:

LOL! Check out Porkerson and his HUGE box of Infi!:eek: :cool:
Thanks fellas. I really had a good time this weekend. Look at that pic real closely, Eric is still dragging blades out of that box. I think that box was bottomless! Then he tried to pick Chuck's stuff up too! What an oinker! :D I don't know if Shaggi was checking Mike out or not, but I think he has some competition from Chuck for both the gal's affections :D. Chuck was quite the charmer at dinner! :D
check out that Isaacson bastid! All smug and innocent looking...

I bet thats an AS around his neck too!

PG, nice knives man....different AS too, what gives?:confused:

Hey Shaggi, what er, whats going on with the 'M' dude.......? Hey! ;) Hey!! ;)
Originally posted by gundy
check out that Isaacson bastid! All smug and innocent looking...

I bet thats an AS around his neck too!

PG, nice knives man....different AS too, what gives?:confused:

Hey Shaggi, what er, whats going on with the 'M' dude.......? Hey! ;) Hey!! ;)

The pepper shaker's rear hole is a different shape due to the rear finger groove being deep than normal. Jerry told me the exact specifics at Indy, but I was suffering from such sensory overload that I can't remember the exact specifics. I believe it's purpose was for a more sure and positive extraction after it had been plunged into it's "target". Jerry also mentioned it was a miltary or governemnt requested change, if I remember correctly. I am embarrassed to admit it, but Eric probably has the whole thing committed to memory and I will kindly ask him to elaborate due to my stupidity. Next time I run into Jerry, I am taking a note book and a mini tape recorder so I don't miss anything that is said. I honestly felt like a kid in a candy store this weekend who got to hang out with Santa Claus at the same time. I think my wife is tired of hearing about the whole thing, especially since she was there. :D Come on Eric, give Gundy the low down since I am ill prepared.
Nice.....the pics really don't do any justice to any of the subjects (blades or otherwise) PG, your SH Variant has a slightly different grind on the clip than mine but it sure does handle like a dream doesn't it? Nice haul. Chuck was VERY entertaining at dinner.
BTW, I don't recall any posts thanking Jennifer for being there so I will take this time to say it was great to meet you officially.
Progunner was very pleased with his box of INFI.......I could tell by the smile on his went from ear to ear!! Happy Pork Day for all you porkers that received packages!! LOL!!

As for dinner with Chuck.......I'm still laughing!!:D
