My new avatar...thanks PhilL!!!!!


BOUNCED EMAIL: I need to update my email address in my profile!
Oct 3, 1998
I figured the avatar is a picture, so this would be the right place to show it off :) Forumite PhilL made this up for always, he did a first rate job, thanks Phil.
Phil is a true artist when it comes to this stuff. Now that I have my Pronghorn I have to get a really nice picture of it so that I can get Phil to make me an avatar as well.
Nice avatar. I think that I will need to have PhilL do one for me with a possible Terzuola ATCF on it.
Heres an avatar Phil made for me. Obvious reasons, I'm not gonna change to it but it sure is neat. Thanks Phil!
Very nice Richard...and nice of you to respond with the credit due to Phil.... great looking Avitar...

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"
Great avatar. That Phil is the Avatar King!! Every time I see Ed's I have to chuckle. Phil, you are sheer genius!! Thank you from all of us...
angie fowler
I love my Avatar, too. Many thanks to PhiL who is just a fine person to know.
I really want to thank Phil for the great new avatar that he has done for me. I got home from work to find that he had emailed this one to me and boy was I thrilled. Thanks Buddy! :D
Phil didn't even do mine, but I owe him mucho credit. His influence is VERY apparent. (His tutorial worked wonders, too...! :D )

Thanks Phil!

Coop (who hasn't stopped fiddling with it yet...!;) )
What would a guy like me do if it were NOT for talented and artistic formites.
Phil put together Lesson #1 for Photoshop that he wrote JUST for me.
It must have taken him a few hours and I have now gotten to the point where I am restoring Old photos taken in the early 1900's. Thanks to Phil, I just finished a photo that prior to Photoshop was "washed-out". I pulled out Phils's LESSON #1 for Ira and the photo looks like it was taken yesterday.

Thanks again Phil.........Ira;) ;) :)
Phil, I think we'd ALL benefit from lesson #1 :D !

Wolfman, that avatar has some new features. Phil's at it again!!!!

Correction.. there is a new Avatar guy in town. Wolfmans updated avatar was done by armsraised. And yes I will make them for you too.
Originally posted by PhilL
You folks are starting to make me BLUSH!

Let's try this again.