My new Calvary

Aug 3, 2001
After seeing Tall Paul show off His sweet Calvary design,
and seeing that one of the Stone inlays was a Garnet_(My birth stone).

Well, I needed to order some Fluorinated Grease anyway......

So after a few e-mails to Tall Paul and a very enjoyable
phone call, and finding out I didn't have to send my Seb.
out for the two month wait but could order just a handle side
well that just made it to easy!

So Here it is the FIRST Classic Calvary Sebenza and It's beautiful!!

Only thing I missed was it didn't come with the slip sheath
but I wouldn't have used it anyway.
Guess I'll just have to order one of the Nylon sheaths and
maybe a Mnandi while I'm there. :cool:

Here is the picture from Chris Reeve: 80K


  • lcscalvary.jpg
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I have a Calvalry on my to get this next year list. Tall Paul is indeed a gentleman that I would like to work with. The interpretation of his design on the classic model is impressive.
Thats really really great looking. I think it also makes a nice statement without being too "in your face" Enjoy it!

Would you be kind enough to post a picture of the whole knife, so we can see the total package?

Ok, Since you asked here is my now fourth try at posting this picture.
(I've gotten the Server Busy message) :(


  • lccs4.jpg
    12.3 KB · Views: 116
:D :) :D :) ...

I agree it is not "in your face" ... I like it better as a whole knife than just the slab.... ENJOY
So let me get this straight. I thought that CRK didn't do Computer Generated Graphics on Classic handles. Was this done by someone else then? It's gorgeous, BTW. incredible work.

O.k. I think I got it, they don't do Computer generated, but they will do Unique's on Classics......right?