my new Hinderer custom *******!!! *pic HEAVY!*


^ that custom wharnie makes me want to cry. What a piece of artwork that is.
That is a usable work of art! Thanks for taking the time to share, those are some good photos also. Mind sharing the camera? Anyway, congrats on the knife!:thumbup:
Thanks is a samsung galaxy s3 cell phone, 10 megapixel...I can only IMAGINE what that new 41 mpxl new nikon cell can do! I think its nikon...anyway guys I love taking pics of my hinderers, one of my favorite parts of collecting/creating things is taking pics to share w ppl who love to see them! I just have a decent eye for photo composition. My old man was a professional photographer for 20 years, won many awards.

***On a side note I'd like to use this thread as a place to share pics of all of my hinderer customs as I aquire more, even though that won't be for a while! But regardless, I cant stop taking pics of these beautiful knives. so, I invite all off you fine folks to try and snap some awesome shots of your hand ground customs and post them up here! Thanks!***

PPS, I know there are other threads out there with custom hinderer pictures, but let's try to make this the best of the best. :D you down guys n gals!! Lets see em! ;)

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So since I'd like to keep this open to all custom grinds. Heres my 2 gorgeous satin customs so far...both spearpoint non flipper one veery special flawless custom wharnie! Please guys...would love to see some beautiful pics of some customs, esp some recurves and deep swedges, bowies too! Post your custom shots here. It can be a hand ground photo dump lol. Altho I'm sure it has to have been done before, bust em out and try for some new pics!!


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Oooof, the grind on that is immaculate! Now I want a satin-finish custom grind, thanks. Here's my humble contribution to your custom grind motif, my WF spearpoint:


Red hot! hehe, sorry couldn't help it.. I think it would look SHARP! Uh, oops did it again..

I think you should try it out and post pics :D
Nice spearpoint Shane! I love the working finish. It is my new favorite finish. The translucent scale compliments it well. Are you going to put some new brass or copper standoffs on that bad boy?

Well, yes. Yes I am. :)

Bronze on there now, but I think the copper will really pop.
Sweet, that will look good. I'm going to put a set of copper on my slicer. I'm excited to see them in person.
I am too. I have a few lanyard beads, one of which is copper. I almost put them up on the exchange last night since I never seem to use them, I keep going back and forth wether I like lanydards on the XMs or not.. Anyway, I didn't put them up for sale specifically because I wanted to see how the copper bead looked w/ the copper standoffs :rolleyes: Then I started thinking if I like that combo, then I might like the blue bead w/ blue standoffs, bronze w/ bronze, etc.. Ah, first world problems I guess :)
I know right? I need me some working finish. Jensen, when you get the chance bro, lets see a Fieldtac photoshoot! ;) Iv really been liking this config. on my spearpoint. blue and copper goes great! hope my pics work. I need to start using flickr...I filled my photobucket account lol. can you guys still see my pics?? or are they all gone?

lets give this a shot!...

sp 1 by cooldaddyfunk286, on Flickr

sp2 by cooldaddyfunk286, on Flickr

Untitled by cooldaddyfunk286, on Flickr

Untitled by cooldaddyfunk286, on Flickr

Untitled by cooldaddyfunk286, on Flickr

Untitled by cooldaddyfunk286, on Flickr

Untitled by cooldaddyfunk286, on Flickr

Untitled by cooldaddyfunk286, on Flickr
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