My solution to bad BM AFCK Spacers

Feb 3, 2001
I know quite a few of you had bad experiences with the older BM AFCK Spacers being brittle and breaking, mine did, in 4 places, I just couldn't glue it any more.

I toyed with the idea of making one out of lucite, or some sort of plastic, or even Micarta, I later got rid of that idea as being more work than its worth.

Next bright idea, 1/4" rod, brass, aluminum, or stainless, all I had to do was drill the center for clearance so the scew would pass through, if you had to, like if your liner was stripped, it wouldn't take much to dill and tap it for the screw size and screw the scales from both sides.

Looks great! I wonder why they didnt just make it like that from the start!!!:confused:
I had a small metal protractor from Sears, and all I did was keep marking 45 deg lines, across the center till I found the true center, center punched it, the vise I used had a notch to grip round stock and keep it at 90 deg. to the table, drilled the clearance hole and filed and sanded to fit.

A lathe is easier, but since the one at work was down, I made it with what I had.
Very clever concept. There was also a move on the BM forum a while back to have a 3rd party make up a number of aluminum spacers for the 730 series. I'm not sure if it ever got off the ground. But congrats for the inovative spirit.:D
I did an old mini-Stryker of mine with posts a couple years back. I simply bought some 1/4" pivot pins (already tapped), ground them to length and popped the screws in. Cost about $4and was relatively easy to do.