Name the Alchemist :)

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Jan 20, 2000
Hint: his folks called him Theophastus Phillipus Aureolus Bombastus von Hockenheim. Common enough name.

I thought it was Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, but that would be Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus, correct?

Do I get a knife?

[This message has been edited by Novadak (edited 11-15-2000).]
Originally posted by Ferret:
Theophastus Phillipus Aureolus Bombastus von Hockenheim.

That's my name too!

Jason aka medusaoblongata
"I have often laughed at the weaklings who call themselves kind because they have no claws"

- Zarathustra
Whenever he goes out
The people start to shout
Here comes Theophastus Phillipus Aureolus Bombastus von Hockenheim

Da da da da da da da

James Segura
San Francisco, CA
Novadak´s spelling is correct.
"Everything is poison, nothing without poison. Only the dose makes if it´s poison or not." Kinda freestyle translated, but the original quote is old-style German. Wise guy, that Paracelsus

"Peace is not without conflict; it is the ability to cope with conflict" - Leo Giron - the premier German language knife-related web board
Originally posted by Ferret:
What does a guy have to do to get a thread moved nowadays?

simple, just post when I am awake

Nova got everything about my name right. Congrats. You can borrow Occam's Razor whenever you need it. It's the only knife I am willing to give away, but probably my most valuable and useful.

Thanks everyone! This was lots of fun to find in the forum this morning. I am actually going to break with tradition and Not have a movement this morning. Anyone who wants to make fun of my name(s) is invited to play

Phillipus Aereolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Honeheim aka Paracelsus

Extra points for Anyone who can tell me what the word Quintessence meant to Para


Well, without going into a 7 page thesis quoting various illuminati of past, present, and future....

I will guess that you are looking for the Prima Materia. Thought to be (in simple form) consisting of copper, tin, lead, iron and quicksilver. The substance to be transmuted into a nobler, pure, perfect metal; namely gold.

That's how I would interpret it, anyways.
Nope. That's not it Velitrious.

Paracelsus actually did not believe that any alchemists had ever accomplished the transmutation of anything into gold. He said that the reason for this was that they (the alchemists) simply did not know enough about the materials they were working with to accomplish this goal. He was absolutely correct about this of course. It is worth noting that in the nuclear furnaces of breeder reactors, scientists have indeed managed to turn lead into gold. It is however, a terribly expensive and low yield process that has yet to prove commercially viable

Quintessence anyone?

The oil or distilled liqour of something, Gold, or Copper originally. Perhaps that is not all he meant.

"There is,indeed, diffused through all things a Balsam created by God, without which putrefecation would immediately supervene....Nothing removes the balsam but death."

Edited by Para to remove Four edit notations by samwereb for a cleaner post. No content was edited.

[This message has been edited by Paracelsus (edited 11-17-2000).]
The fifth element, which was supposed to be the pure distillation or "essence" of life force, amongst other things. More bang for the buck.

I'm guessing he meant that. Well, that or Everclear.
Originally posted by samwereb:
..."There is,indeed, diffused through all things a Balsam created by God, without which putrefecation would immediately supervene....Nothing removes the balsam but death."

That's almost a correct answer sam. But your previous statement was off track. BTW, you can edit out the edit comments to leave only one.

Novadaks answer about Quintessence being the Fifth element is correct.

Originally posted by Novadak:
The fifth element, which was supposed to be the pure distillation or "essence" of life force, amongst other things.

Paracelsus was a great thinker, but he lived in a time where the fundamental elements were those of the Greeks: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. He postulated a Fifth element that he called Quintessence, which was the element of spirit. We still have not found this stuff in the material world

Novadak wins this little impromptu contest. Congratulations. You win my highest commendations for general intellectual accomplishment in the field of Arcana. Your reward is in the achievement and self-satisfaction that I hope you feel, not in any banal material object made of Gold. Quintessence is much more valuable anyway even though it is all around us.

Paracelsus, inventor of the Elixir of Eternal Life (sorry, fresh out of the stuff and I lost my lab notes centuries ago)
Ahh, but there is more to quintessence than simply a single Idea. This is composed of 3 elements... a trinity... today called the Atma-Buddhi-manas.

Yes, it was to symbolize the Man of the New Olympus, a singular concept, but is incomplete without the relationship between 7 elements..

Maybe I lost ya here tho.
"I am actually going to break with tradition and Not have a movement this morning."
You'll feel clogged up by mid afternoon.
Originally posted by Ferret:
"I am actually going to break with tradition and Not have a movement this morning."
You'll feel clogged up by mid afternoon.

Actually, I thought that was more information than I wanted to know this morning.
Sam, I'll be happy to give you my thoughts on Henry David. But first I need to move this thread to the community forum for lack of serious knife content. I agree, this thread was fun for me too. Thanks to all!

Paracelsus, having a much needed movement
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