Names for common grinding errors?


Jun 10, 1999
Are there names for common grinding errors? For example a blade where the primary grind has been more deeply ground on one side and more shallow ground on the other - leaving the edge slightly off center. And, often related, the plunge line extending past the spine - so to speak - rather than ending at or slightly below the spine resulting in an effectively thinner spine than the stock from which it is ground.
Names and descriptions of other errors?
Originally posted by averageguy
Are there names for common grinding errors? For example a blade where the primary grind has been more deeply ground on one side and more shallow ground on the other - leaving the edge slightly off center.

I call that error 'scrap'.:eek: ;)
ground on one side and more shallow ground on the other

I call that a right (or left) handed knife.

rather than ending at or slightly below the spine resulting in an effectively thinner spine than the stock from which it is ground.

A special purpose blade.:D :D :D :D :D
Doesn't Spark have rules against saying those words here:rolleyes: Seriously though, I'd say terms like uneven,off center, and too high/low are some common terms most makers understand. I use "digs" when a belt digs in on a grind because I've ridden the edge of the platen too much.
i don't have any idea what you guys are referring too? none of that stuff has ever happened to me!:D
Knifemakers don't make mistakes. They make smaller knives :)
Well, I call the ones where one grind is deeper on one side than the other 'another trip to the grinder'. And the one where the grind goes through the spine a 'blowout'. On the other hand, the extra grinding caused by a blowout can be referred to as 'a well tapered blade'. He he. If I blow out one side I go ahead and blow out the other just to keep it balanced. And when a double blowout happens I normally lay the knife down on my workbench and back slowly out of the shop and do a dissapearing act for a while. None of that happens very often but I'm sure we all have those days where our time would be better spent weeding the garden or working on a shotrod in the yard. :D