Neck sheath-fashion or tradition?

Jan 4, 2001
Is the neck sheath a traditional way of carrying knife, or is it modern innovation?
I seem to remember that it was a common form of carry among the native Americans years ago. Today, I think it has become somewhat of a fad. It is a great and useful way to carry though. I like to carry folders in neck sheaths as well.
If I am not mistaken Frontier men used to carry neck knives for cutting off pieces of wadding for thier black powder rifles when reloading..
I could be wrong but I seem to remember something about that..

Take Care
Trace Rinaldi
Mowgli carried his little fang of a knife around his neck in Kiplings Jungle Book.
If you can find some pictures of Daniel Winkler/Karen Shook(sp?) collaborations you might see examples of traditional neck knives and sheaths. Their work never ceases to amaze me!