Necka news

Jun 25, 2001
hey guys and gals :)
it's that time again to think about it..for those I have not contacted yet by email and or those that haven't seen it yet from the Necka site.
please see the news letter at

please contact Joe Brum or myself (from the site with any and all concerns) or just use the site functions if you need too, to up date your info.

Please be sure your email is up to date..

Also, Please keep in mind.
If you don't find your name on the site and it should be there,,,, the site is not completely up dated as of yet but should be with-in a week or two..

please,, no need to reply here, this is just a note to remind those that I don't have email for and are not on the site.,
I'll bump it up for a day or so for the ones that don't come here all that often.. thank you..