Need A Good Source for 01

Apr 10, 2002
Hello, can anyone recommend a good source for some 01 PG? I bought some a few years ago via the internet from a good vendor, but don't remember the name, unfortunately. I still have the box it came in and it says, Precision Marshall, but I think I actually bought it from one of their dealers or distributors. Tried the search, but it doesn't seem to be working for me at the moment.

Thanks, Rick.
I buy steel almost exclusively from Kelley Cupples. He's in Yakima, WA. I've never had a problem with any of the steel I've gotten from him. I've also gotten borax from him. His prices are great, and he's a very knowledgeable knifemaker to boot. Lemme know if you want his contact info., and I'll send it to you.
I also recommend Kelly Cupples. Great service and prices. His phone number is 509-728-0057. He doesn't have a web site that I know of. He'll e-mail you a price list.
i tried cincinnati tool steel, looking for hot rolled O1, and found their prices on the precision ground to be pretty damn reasonable
a piece of O1 3/32"X1 1/4"X36" was $16.14
where tool and die, flat grond, and wholesale tool where all atleast 18 dollars for the same piece

minimal order is 50 dollars though. its worth it if you need to stock pile some away or if you're close to them
Thanks for all the great suggestions. I ended up ordering two pieces Sunday night from and the UPS man made a delivery attempt today. Next time I think I might check out some of these other options. :thumbup: