Need a new motor dadgummit!

Sep 23, 1999
Anyone have a face mount 1 horse 180 volt dc 14 amp Leeson or Baldor they can sell me reasonable? Need to use Paypal to make the payment, sorry.
did you guys order the treadmill motor or the "robot" motor?

whats the difference i wonder?
I bought the Leeson (Run, Robot, Run). I paid the big $10 extra for new. But I don't think it was, well maybe.

Being a surplus place looks like these things were removed from something. In other words, I think they buy overstock/obsolete stuff then pull the guts out and sell 'em.

Mine had a key in one of the key ways. The motor case looks untouched, but one of the brush covers was gone. The picture looks like it has a base plate, but mine didn't come with one. No matter, $50 + spins = I'm happy.

BTW My grinder isn't here yet, so I've only tested it with a sanding disk. Gee it's sweet for that. Some folks are waiting for a final report, so I'll confirm all this when the grinder arrives.

do they mount on the front?

it says double shaft...does it actually have a shaft spinning on each end?

There are 2 bolt holes in the case that I think are for the mounting plate - which it didn't have. I was going to use those. I don't think there is a face mount around the shaft.

Yes it does spin on both ends and if you hold it by the ends it will spin in the middle. ;)

The thing I can't figure out is how it spins clockwise on one end and counter clockwise on the other. Of course I spend hours looking in the mirror: I raise my right hand and the other guy raises his left. The whole thing has me confused.

Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!


If the shaft spins in the same direction on both sides it would spin from your left to right looking at one end and from your right to left looking at the other end. Look at one end and peek over the top of motor and you will see the rotation is the same.

AS&S is a GREAT store. Never know what you're gonna find(in store or in the catalog), but it's alwaysfun to browse. :) Think i still have the 4' long cable tie that I got from there. Haven't found a use for it yet. but thinking if I crack a motor mount on my truck that it'll come out. ;)

I know of that site because Itrade refered me to it. Him and I both are hoping to run our yet to arrive grinders with the Leeson DC motor. He a KMG. I a Coote (can't swing for the KMG yet).
Itrade has lead the way in this idea and because of an electronics background of my own I have believed in his instincts and have been following his lead. At the least we may end up with a buffer, however I feel very good about this motor and the controller(s) we have chosen.


I bought the KBMM-225D + heatsink from a distributor. Manufacturer site: It didn't come with a enclosure nor is it reversable. I built a case and added a DPDT switch to change direction. So, now I'm all set.

Right now I have a disc on mine. Grinder might be here by Monday, so by Wed I should be able to give a report.

Rlinger got a better one on ebay for less money! Don't remember his model number.

Hope that helps.

ok, looks like im gonna have to bite the bullet and get one of these motors. mind exploded today. in fact, overall its been a $hitty day.

what kinda controller do you have Rodger? think i can use the treadmill motor controller that i had been using?