Need a tiny fixed blade

Dec 17, 2003
Since the limit on my credit card is slowly approaching (thanks to this damn place :D ), I want to buy or have made a very small fixed blade.

I've had an idea of what I want for years now, but only ever come close to what I want, as I can't imagine theres much of a market for it.

The general idea is for a blade of no more than 2" in length, and for the whole thing to be as slim as possible (preferably no scales). Other than that specification, I'm pretty open.

If there's anyone who knows of any production models, or a knife maker can help me out, I'd be very grateful :)
Quite few makers make the kind of knife you are looking for. A 2" blade is smaller than I usually see from him, but you should check with Bill Siegle.
Ivan Campos does a number of kiridashi styles.

Gerber also just released the fixed-blade version of their SUBCOM.
Wow! Seems Atwood is my man!

Thanks moonwilson, that is exactly what I was looking for and more!
Peter makes awesome knives. I am also going to suggest Bark River; as they make things like Mini & Micro Candian. But Atwood knives ARE going to be much slimmer.
all knives by tai goo, blade length between two and three inches. from top: 1095; 1065, rosewood; 1065 lignum vitae; 5160 amboyna. maybe too fancy, however, tai makes excellent knives!


I wish I could post a pic here. I would love for you to see a pic of our all integral Stiff horn, and City Knife. These Knives are proving to be very popular. And Low cost as well. If you will e-mail me, I will send you a pic. Or may be some one here will post a pic of it for me! Mike Well, Looks like may-be I just figured it out. Can any one see this pic besides just me? She is ATS-34, Tripple tempered. Slim and Light. The blade is 3". This is the Stiff Horn version. The City Knife version, has a blade of only 2". they come with a pouch designed fo rdeep poket carry. No need to show every thing you carry! Thanks for looking. Mike and Manuela
Here is a pic of the Little City Knife. though this isn't one of the Integral ones, the size and shape is exact. These knives are from the Lovett-Loveless Connection. The new Integral version is taken from the Loveless City Knife. bob doesn't make the integral version, however I have his permission to make these. I really like them, and so does Bob! Mike
Here is a pic of the Little City Knife. though this isn't one of the Integral ones, the size and shape is exact. These knives are from the Lovett-Loveless Connection. The new Integral version is taken from the Loveless City Knife. bob doesn't make the integral version, however I have his permission to make these. I really like them, and so does Bob! Mike

That and the other knife you posted. Those are cherry little knives. :eek: :)
Where can I score one of the Litle city Knives ?