Need advice concerning making WSK saw teeth

Dec 20, 2005
I would like to try to make a WSK styled after the one Dave Beck made. The design by Mr. Beck seems to be well liked by all. I'm not interested in selling it, I want it for personal use. I wouldn't mind owning one of the knives Mr. Beck made but they are to pricey for me. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on how to put the saw teeth in the blade?


We designed in Cad and milled.
I did mine by hand with a Dremel cutoff wheel. Marked it out with a sharpie and went to town.
I did mine by hand with a Dremel cutoff wheel. Marked it out with a sharpie and went to town.

Same here. Used the dremel cutoff wheel and finished it out with a file then a file wrapped with sucessively finer sandpaper.
I asked around for some tutorials but couldn't get any help so I posted up a default tutorial.
Here's the link.
It's definately not perfect or even professional for that matter but it's something.
God bless,
I found that if you alterate the pitch of the top of the teeth it cuts much better. Slope left,slope right as you down the spine. Kinda like a chainsaw blade. Great tutorial there Bindlestitch!!!!
I talked in depth to David about how he does his. Over the phone it was hard to picture. He used a jig and hand files them in. I'd like to try it once but a mill would be better...err easier I mean.
This is a hard time consuming to do with a file. It is very unforgiving on fingers. Use a Mill. I think if you asked Roger Linger he would tell you the same.
did you do anything with your sawback yet?
Linger does use a mill :thumbup: I dont have one so thats not an option :D I dont care for the saw teeth anyway but thats just me :)
did you do anything with your sawback yet?

Yeah, it doesn't work to great. For two reasons as far as I can figure.
1. Like a dummy I "knocked down" the edges on the spine being used to doing that with non sawback knives. It was a stupid idea because it took a lot of the grab of the teeth out of action.
2. Like Trentu suggested , I should have given the teeth some pitch to aid in cutting.
The next one I do I will incorporate those ideas and see what happens.
God bless,
Thanks everyone for the responses. Thanks also for letting me know how Mr. Beck made his. I don't have a miling machine yet so I think I'm gonna give making them with hand files and a jig a chance.

Aaron,I haven't started anything with the saw back yet. Been busy with work and have started taking a blacksmithing class at a local college so things are kind of busy. However, after I take a shot at making a saw I'll be sure to post some pics.

Thanks again

You can easily do the saw teeth with a triangular file, you just need a little patience and a steady hand. If you have any more questions on it feel free to email me.
B.Goode, Thanks for the advice about which kind of file to use and for the contact offer, I really appreciate it. After visiting your website, I have to agree with Moose, I love your work too!

Moose, I’ve seen pics of your Beck style WSK. It’s a great looking knife! Any advice on how to make the saw teeth? By the looks of your knife, you seem to have the technique mastered.
