Need BM info desperately .

Apr 30, 1999
OK I have been asking alot of BM questions lately because I've got a 50/50 chance of getting one for my birthday which is right before Christmas
and If I also got a Trail Master in San Mai 3 then I could right a very good arcticle of comparison between the two . So right now I need as much info about the two as I can particularly where to get them the cheapest and also the waiting period for the BM etc.
Well, I find that unless I get enough fiber, my BM waiting period can get pretty nasty...I've actually hit two weeks...


Jim March
Fish, a member of Barney Miller's detective squad, was always thrilled when he was able to get "one", and if it was on his birthday, even better.

(for those of you old enough for this obscure reference)

(just funning with ya Eric)
um I am only typing a reply to get this topic moved to the top of this page . also maybe someday ican be a senior member .

Oh people stop with the BM wisecracks cuause i do have a sense of humor but it makes you feel crummy when the only replies to your post are either yours and people making fun of the subject .
I would suggest posting in the Good Bad Ugly forum, Thats the one designated for this sort of thing.
Oh, you mean BENCH MADE!!!
Although I've only been coming to this forum for 2 weeks or so, I realize that I don't know as much as I thought I did when it comes to knives.
With that in mind...
I didn't realize that BM even MADE a fixed blade, but I have a few Cold Steel products, and can't think of a way to improve them. I have some BM folders, and have no complaints, but I think Cold Steel makes a better product. (Not including the Irish stick that folks were complaining about
no not Benchmade although they did mak 1 fixed blade . I mean the Battle Mistress . from Busse . read about it at

I am a nobody most of the time and a sombody none of the time . and I am proud of it .
Okay, heres a serious reply! I had one of the early Battle Mistresses and of course, I loved it. It took about 5 months to get. It was the toughest knife I ever used, it held an edge forever, and was really comfortable to use. A friend of mine always wanted it, so when the new style with grooved handle and better sheath came out, I ordered the new one and sold the old one. Of course now I have been waiting about 9 months for my new one and don't even have my old one anymore! The wait is supposed to be back down to 6 months, but if possible, go to a show and avoid the wait altogether. If you like big blades (which I do) you will really like the BM.
BM shares a tendency with Buck.They won`t answer a question.You can beat it out of them.

------------------ meant battle mistress!!... I knew that... I was just seein if everyone else did.... yeah..thats it.....
Jerry busse is posting in this forum?
well i hope you read this . I just got the oppurtunity of a life time ... I saved enough money to buy a Battle Mistress . But I need as much info as I can get . Please tell me about the shipping and ordering .

I already went to your web-site. I read everything that was printed .