Need help on blade size for my custom

Jan 27, 2002
Hello all! Well, as some of you may have read in my other posts of late, I'm getting myself a Don Morrow Saddlehorn Trapper for my birthday, and I'm looking for suggestions on blade length. I'm contemplating getting 4" blades for this knife, for several reasons. The biggest reason is that I love my 110, and yet I'm not able to carry it everywhere because the blade locks. I shouldn't have this problem with a slipjoint. Secondly, I'm really impressed with Don's filework, and the thought of that much filework just makes me smile. What I'm wondering about is the possibility inconvenience of a 4.5" closed and just over 8" OAL as an EDC. What say you, wise members of the forums?
I have to decide on a size relatively quickly as Don says he's grinding some blades next week. With length comes a possibility that the blades might be weaker, or have more flex, but they'll be made of ATS-34, so maybe I'm being paranoid. HELP!!!
This is going to be my first (and probably only) custom folder, and certainly one of the last knives I buy for a while, so I'd like it to be done right.

So far, we have a knife about 4.5" long closed, about 8"(+/-) with SS Bolsters, filework on the springs and blades, and Black linen micarta slabs.

That's another thing, I know I want Micarta for the handle slabs, but should I get Black, or perhaps antique white? I'm leaning towards black. Why micarta some of you may ask? Because I just don't know how this knife is going to be treated by my kids when they get it, and I just happen to like micarta (less variation and easier care than most natural materials). I like bone and stag well enough on some of my other, smaller slipjoints, but I want a VERY durable, and low-level care material. Micarta seems to be it! What would you all suggest?

lenght should'nt really make a difference for what your talking about. For an edc I personally would not go over a 4" blade (thats up to you of course what you want). As far as the handle material itsreally not going to make a difference whether you go with the black micarta, or the antique white, just astetics. Perhaps green canvas micarta might be to your liking? also you could go with a nice pretty stabilized wood, such as Desert Ironwood, or a maple burl, ect might be in order? their strong, very durable, and very pretty!!!!

the choice is all yours, hopefully Ive given some suggestions, not thrown more confusion (?)
WOW....A Don Morrow Saddle Horn Trapper makes my mouth water. Seems an excellent choice to me for a first and possibly only custom.

For me, 4" closed is the crossover between an EDC and a specialized carry. My hunter is 4.25" closed and is with me when I'm in the woods etc, but is really too much knife for my Sunday go-to-meeting slacks.
An everyday, sheeple friendly piece in the 3" blade catagory is a better EDC IMO. Also, Don builds a very substantial folder and one in the 4" blade length catagory could probably require a belt sheath for really comfortable carry in anything other than a jeans pocket.

Your thinking re: micarta for the handles is right on, again IMHO. I just went through the really painful process of having some beautiful scrimmed ivory scales replaced with micarta after they had shrunk to a point of no return in just a few short years of ownership. The beauty was more than offset with their fragility. I know the new micarta slabs will be there long after I've faded from the scene.

Anyway you go...enjoy the journey. There really isn't any better way to experience the fulness of this addiction we all share than the process of obtaining that "special" one of a kind built just for you.