Need help with Kraton handles

I recently took posession of several knives that had been in storage for several years. Although the blades are in good shape, the leather sheaths had some signs of mildew. Some of the knives had Kraton handles. Although they show no major ill effects, they have absorbed the "musty" odor of the mildew and smell like an old root cellar.

Any suggestions for cleaning them would be greatly appreciated.


When the world is at peace, a gentleman keeps his sword by his side.......
Sun-Tzu 400 BC

Apr 18, 1999
You might try spraying the handles with silicone spray. It works very well in restoring rubber products. I don't know whether it will remove the odor. Be careful however, not to use any scented products as this could rot the Kraton. I suggest these thoughts because in a former incarnation, I did a quite a bit of wreck diving in the Great Lakes. Caring for rubber products like dry suits, regulator hoses, masks, etc. was alway a priority.

Be advised silicone spray is very slippery. Therefore, be sure to remove excess.
Willie Boy,

Thanks for the info. Will try the silicone.


When the world is at peace, a gentleman keeps his sword by his side.......
Sun-Tzu 400 BC
