Need Help

Jan 27, 2009
I am looking for a Busse to take overseas and wear on my body armor. I like the looks of the Ash 1 variant but at 12 in its a bit long to wear all day. Does Busse make anything along the same lines or like the Hellrazor that is smaller (5 in blade)? I am also leaving in late march so I am short on time. Thanks for the help! RLTW
I agree...get a BATAC. Or take a look at a SJTAC. Both are reasonably priced.
Trigger: If you dont like the skinny ASH from the store I would suggest looking over the exchange for a good deal on BATAC. Its really the only knife in the 5" department that is reasonably priced right now. Thanks for your service and be safe.
Try e-mailing Jerry and/or Amy at and explaining what you want/need and when you deploy. These folks are good about taking care of our military personnel. Pete