Need some help repairing a chipped edge

Feb 4, 2006
Recently received a couple beaters (thanks again Cobalt :D ) and they have some fairly large chips in the edge. The biggest chip is a tad over 1/2mm deep.
What would be the best way to repair the edge? I've been sharpening on a coarse benchstone for a little bit but I don't seem to be making any progress.

Is there any technique that might make this go faster or am I stuck with sharpening it down? Thanks in advance.
all you can do is remove metal, what's the fastest means you have of doing that?
I purchased a Tormek 6 months ago and use it to do all my knife sharpening. Recently I removed the serrations and reshaped the blade with success. If you know someone that has a Tormek it is a great way to get the job done fast.
Hm a file sounds good. I'll have to go borrow one from my friend.
depends on the steel in the knife, a file might not cut it well. What knife is it?
thats a good point, hardheart. when I saw the word "beater" I just assumed soft (I've gotta use the cerebrum a little more often!)
There's a Becker BK9 and Ontario Spec Plus Tanto.
I believe the BK9 is 57-59 HRC and Ontario doesn't list HRC, but I'd guess it's a little softer.
I'm worried that if I use them to chop, the chips will be like stress risers. I don't really want the blade to snap during such use.
The chips in the Ontario are much smaller and the blade/profile much thicker so I'm not so worried about that one. But I'm not so sure about the BK9.

I also need practice sharpening, so I guess I'll just stick with it :yawn:
They are not really that much of a concern as the chips are very small compared to the cross section of the knife. For the really large ones I take a small rod and just turn them into serrations. Large knives get banged up like that a lot in use and you will quickly turn them into toothpicks if you grind out every small chip.
