Need some mental help-Stupid Kiss knife

Feb 22, 2003
I forgot a while back I bought one of CKRT, and finally found it today while cleaning stuff out. I'm having a hell of a time trying to assemble belt carry adapter with the chicago screws. I need some mental floss!

Please help me. Pictures of the assembly would be really helpful!
Not that anyone cares but turns out my I'm missing the other ends of the fancy screws . Stupid tanto..I wanted the drop point anyway.
Ok..well look on the bright side, at about 20 bucks a pop or so I don't think that getting the MDP blade would be that hard to acquire. Still, if you want, I'm sure that CRKT would be more than happy to help you out. Shoot em an email.
I expect it hasn't been a case of no-one caring so much. More a matter of not being able to offer much in the way of assistance in this particular instance - don't have that CRKT.

Cheer up.