need some smoke & prayers for my Wife please

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Pat's going in for emergency surgery right now.

It doesn't look good

Please keep us in your thoughts & prayers.
Praying for strength, peace, and healing, John. But His will be done...

Hang in there. Prayers going up...
John, Prayers up for you, Pat and her Docs. God bless and keep you...
It turns out that Pat had a hole in her bowel,this whole time,but it was too small to see earlier.I guess when she tried to eat(which would almost always result in her vomiting),the little bit of food that got digested made that hole bigger.Her surgeon is perplexed about this,& claims she's never seen this happen before.
When I went to see her last Tues. she was in severe pain & vomiting brownish/red stuff(blood & stool?).She was worse than I ever saw her,since all this has begun.
So,I get a call from her surgeon at 3am Wed. morning.She said they're going to perform emergency surgery & there's a very good chance Pat might not survive.
So,I jumped out of bed,shook off the ambien,grabbed some old coffee & bolted out the door.
Got to the hosp fast & gave Pat a quick kiss & said a prayer,then waited,& waited.
3:30pm the surgeon comes out & says she's stable,but they need to keep a close eye on her because her BP is spiking high & dropping very low.She said she had to remove the part that had the hole,& she had re-attach the ostomy bag,maybe permanent this time,either way,it's not going to be reversed anytime soon.I don't care.I just want her to get well already.
I wait another hour for them to get her into SCIU.Pat's not awake,she's got a breathing tube down her throat.I wait a few more hours & go in,& she's awake & alert,but can't talk because of the tube.I sit with her most of the night.

I hope & pray this suffering is coming to an end,& is truly the beginning of recovery.
We both look 20yrs older than what we are because of this mess.

:thumbup:Thank You for your continued positive thoughts & prayers.I can't express how much it means to us!
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More hugs and good thoughts for you and your wife.
I hope that finding the cause of all of this is the beginning of a fast recovery... More prayers up from NH. Don't forget to take care of yourself during all of this!
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