need your help, (I hope this is the proper place for this)

Mar 23, 2003
I bought a knife from a guy on this site a while ago and was unable to send him the check... (Long story) if you are here, let me know what kind of knife and the price, I want to send you your money...
ummm, I don't sell knives. But shouldn't you say what the knife is? A time period when these problems occured? Was this over Bladeauction, privatley or over the BFC exchange?

Please elbariate otherwise no-one will know who you are!
I'll copy this thread to "The Good, the Bad, the Ugly." If he's still trading actively on Bladeforums he probably reads that forum.

Do you know what username he used here? If so you can search for his posts, and if he's put an email address in his profile (not required, but most do) you can email him.
Hi, it was on blade forums "buy, sell, trade", I don't remember his name or state, and I don't want to say what kind or how much, that would make to easy for it to be the wrong person, It was a while ago...:(
You might try searching "The Good The Bad and The Ugly" for YOUR name, and see who it is thats saying you don't pay your bills ;) Then you can make things right :D